Liverpool - could they be relegated?

Surely if their backs are up against the wall, and that RBS are looking to take over, then Gillette and Hicks would make serious gestures in terms of paying off the outstanding interest?

Or am I to think that they will stand idly by while the banks take their club from them and sell it off cheap, with Gillette and Hicks walking away empty-handed... it just isn't going to happen.

If the shit hits the fan, then I would fully expect our owners to offer £50m for Torres, in October, on the understanding that we would take him come January 1st.

Torres gets to go to a club with prospects, The Yanks get a wedge of money to pay their outstanding interest debts and keep hold off their club, we get a top striker... everyone's a fucking winner!
Shall we give them a condescending pat on the head and say 'Aww, never mind
you'll probably come back up,' when we wave them off to the championship, like the cunts did to us/me not so long ago?
Can't come soon enough. Down, down deeper and down.
Soulboy said:
Surely if their backs are up against the wall, and that RBS are looking to take over, then Gillette and Hicks would make serious gestures in terms of paying off the outstanding interest?

Or am I to think that they will stand idly by while the banks take their club from them and sell it off cheap, with Gillette and Hicks walking away empty-handed... it just isn't going to happen.

If the shit hits the fan, then I would fully expect our owners to offer £50m for Torres, in October, on the understanding that we would take him come January 1st.

Torres gets to go to a club with prospects, The Yanks get a wedge of money to pay their outstanding interest debts and keep hold off their club, we get a top striker... everyone's a fucking winner!

Or they can enter administration, lose Gerrard to Real for a reduced fee (20m), Reina to Arse for a reduced fee (18m) and Torres to us for, you guessed it, a reduced fee of 40m. Theres no way they can dictate what fees they want for players while in administration, so they make 78m to take a small chunk of debt away, but can't buy any more players and are generally weak as a team and a club, leading to relegation:

I think their home form will keep them out of relegation trouble and gain them a mid table (at best) finish.

Now, riddle me this...
Admittedly, I'm no financial guru but what I don't get is, aren't the RBS, these days, a state run institution (ie a nationalised bank)? Surely, the great and good name of Liverpool, city and football club, would never, ever even contemplate surviving on state handouts..? I mean that wouldn't be like them, at all... :D

And one more thing, if they do go deeper into the abyss before January, there's no way we should be bidding £50m for Torres. That's the price you pay when things are going kind of okay. (If we need him, at all) bidding should start at ten to fifteen million. If they're down, keep 'em down.
mcfc1996 said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Don't know but I suspect the finances aren't that healthy without CL money so if it's the only chance of getting something back then they will.

Is it not more likely that RBS will take control of Liverpool and seek to sell the club to recover their cash. I think the yanks want £600m for their stakes whereas RBS would need less than half that. There will be plenty of takers at £250m.
will there though?? anyone who takes them over is also going to be expected to build their new stadium so instantly thats another £300-£400 million.
Some of the developments are found here.

A nice looking fella hasnt given up on this one ;-)

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=184307&start=630</a>
why does everyone take great delight in the red dippers plight, i for one dont really want them to take the drop and be replaced by teams like stoke, blackburn etc , as least they try to play football the right way and not try to break oppositions legs ,arms, necks.. whatever other dirty tactic these teams want to use, i know i will probably get hounded to death for this, but id rather watch city play red scousers than those shite ,horrible teams any day of the week
i must add id like them to languish in the bottom four until april hehe
rossie said:
why does everyone take great delight in the red dippers plight

Because they are the worst club in the world with the exception of United. Everything about them is built on lies, and I personally hope that they not only go bankrupt, but that Anfield goes into a slow decay, and falls down.
Damocles said:
rossie said:
why does everyone take great delight in the red dippers plight

Because they are the worst club in the world with the exception of United. Everything about them is built on lies, and I personally hope that they not only go bankrupt, but that Anfield goes into a slow decay, and falls down.

Dam' that is an unusually passionate response for you.

I certainly wont argue with you on this one ;-)

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