Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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Our club have put forward a novel suggestion to Liverpool's owners ahead of our league game with them.

We've suggested holding a 96 minute tribute during the game to Hillsborough, with a minute's silence for each victim and a chinese lantern set off simultaneously at Anfield and at the Beijing Scousers HQ. City staff secretly hope this arrangement, and the prevention of any singing due to the constant memorial silence, will counter the magical Anfield atmosphere and help their side to victory.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Our club have put forward a novel suggestion to Liverpool's owners ahead of our league game with them.

We've suggested holding a 96 minute tribute during the game to Hillsborough, with a minute's silence for each victim and a chinese lantern set off simultaneously at Anfield and at the Beijing Scousers HQ. City staff secretly hope this arrangement, and the prevention of any singing due to the constant memorial silence, will counter the magical Anfield atmosphere and help their side to victory.
plus it'll be 0-0.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

And don't forget about Downing 20m, Sakho 18m, Aquilani 17m, Borini 10m, Luis Alberto's one hell of a shoestring!!!!!!!!!!.
br62 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

And don't forget about Downing 20m, Sakho 18m, Aquilani 17m, Borini 10m, Luis Alberto's one hell of a shoestring!!!!!!!!!!.
It's all their own money though mate.
Well, apart from the £100+m of FSG money they've spent over the last two years that is.
aguero93:20 said:
br62 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

And don't forget about Downing 20m, Sakho 18m, Aquilani 17m, Borini 10m, Luis Alberto's one hell of a shoestring!!!!!!!!!!.
It's all their own money though mate.
Well, apart from the £100+m of FSG money they've spent over the last two years that is.

The biggest swindlers in the history of football.

Contrived to swindle Hicks and Gillett out of something they owned.

FSG would have gone nowhere near Liverpool if they couldn't pick it up for practically netto.

On another note, can someone remind me where the morals were when Dubai International were trying to buy it.

Or the legendary Kenny Haug - the amount of Liverpool fans dancing in the streets they were going to be richer than City backed by the Chinese wealth fund.
What some Liverpool fans conspicuously fail to appreciate is their club, as much as any other, helped forge the prevailing circumstances that drew the likes of Abramovich and Mansour into the English game.

It was they, along with Everton, united, Arsenal and Spurs in the early 80's that threatened a breakaway from the Football League unless the way gate receipts were shared between clubs, which had stood for decades, was ripped up, meaning those five had a greater share of the footballing cake at the expense of all the other clubs.

It was they who were at the vanguard of creating the Premier League in the early 90's, which departed from the trickle down principles of the football pyramid and allowed the top division to negotiate its own TV deal, and more tellingly, keep the spoils for themselves.

It was they, along with many of their ancien regime peers, who created the G14 group of clubs. Essentially a lobbying group motivated by collective (and individual) self-interest who threatened UEFA with the prospect of a breakaway competition if their financial demands were not met.

When Liverpool fans talk about money their club has "earned", it is in the context of perpetual fixing of the rules, as above, to make sure the dice were loaded in Liverpool's favour to try and ensure their enduring success.

At every stage, as a club, they were motivated, not by the wider interests of the game, but by advancing their own commercial (and footballing) ends, ultimately at the expense of other, weaker, less powerful clubs. Concentrating more and more power and wealth at the very top of the game.

Against that backdrop and the riches (and profile) that was to be bestowed upon anyone operating in that arena, is it any surprise that wealthy and powerful men cast their eyes upon the scene and considered the possibilities? Is it any wonder that global movers and shakers wanted a piece of that glory to feed their own egos and sense of ambition?

This was the inevitable consequence of a conflation of the journey Liverpool embarked upon (and agitated for) some three decades ago, with the rise of the global village and all the technology that accompanies it. Liverpool as a club, again and again, moved the pieces on the board to suit their own ends, but they failed to account for forces they could not hope to contain.

If Liverpool supporters want to look anywhere to apportion blame for that thing many of them seem to so greatly despise, " modern football", then their own club is as culpable as any.

Here endeth the 'istree lesson.
mcmanus said:
Scouse_Jimi said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Got to keep finding the players with a point to prove, which you've done pretty well (Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho etc.), your only downside is that if you don't win trophies then those who have stepped up will want to go and win those trophies, especially as they're all brought in and not home grown with loyalties in the local vicinity like Gerrard. I suppose if you torment and scare them into staying then they'll hang around in fear.

It's what we do well, buy players with a point to prove and potential and win trophies, good model to follow.

Which players have you bought with a point to prove? I suppose Toure did have being a bench warmer for Barca but who else?

We'll win trophies, need to remember we're right at the begining of quite a big rebuilding job. The fact we're only a year in and we're challenging for the league is a massive achievement. Anfield will be getting expanded and there's a 20k waiting list for season tickets...rammed full every week whilst keeping it's historic roots. On the up - I imagine we'll be having some pretty titanic battles over the next few years, can't wait.

Rebuilding? Check
Massive? Check
Waiting list for season tickets? Check
History? Check

You taking the piss?

Only 1 year into a rebuilding job?

Your delusion and airbrushing of the truth is wonderful.
This from football365

"Now look here, Dave. Brendan Rodgers spoke only days ago of Liverpool's '533 million supporters', and this is very much a global brand. This is a club with the 12th highest revenue in world football, who have spent £431m on transfers in the last seven years, are owned by a group of American sports investors and has a list of 21 official partners listed on the official website, the most recently added of which is XOLO, a regional marketing partner in India aimed to increase merchandise sales in the country through the use of smartphones. Last year, Liverpool was named as the most trusted football brand in India.

As for 'football romance', does this quote on the Liverpool website make you feel sexy?

'We believe that the partnership will bring many synergies and exciting opportunities to our consumers and partners.'

It kind of works if you just focus on 'exciting' and 'partners'.

Liverpool winning the league might well be seen as A Good Thing in certain quarters, but let's not get all misty-eyed over the 'soul of English football' shall we? "
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... Mediawatch</a>
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