Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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I don't know how accurate this is but Liverpool aren't far behind us really and have spent more than United.
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bluemc1 said:
talking a lot of sense there scouse jimi, if you do win the league he should get manager of the year maybe even if you get close 2nd as not 1 person said you would win the title, forget what Jose saying about Pulis, Rodgers should get it. think overjoyed with 3rd might be a bit strong though, i know you would have taken 4th at the start but being so close ? come on

Overjoyed might be a bit strong but the fans will be pleased with the teams performance this year regardless of the title. We play some of the best football in the league and absolutely destroy teams - it's years since we've been able to enjoy such imperious football.

-- Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:26 pm --

Blue Maverick said:
I don't know how accurate this is but Liverpool aren't far behind us really and have spent more than United.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... today.html</a>

There's a flaw in that only got money a few years back! Look at your net spend, £550m !! And that's since that Thai bloke bought you really isn't it?
Scouse_Jimi said:
bluemc1 said:
talking a lot of sense there scouse jimi, if you do win the league he should get manager of the year maybe even if you get close 2nd as not 1 person said you would win the title, forget what Jose saying about Pulis, Rodgers should get it. think overjoyed with 3rd might be a bit strong though, i know you would have taken 4th at the start but being so close ? come on

Overjoyed might be a bit strong but the fans will be pleased with the teams performance this year regardless of the title. We play some of the best football in the league and absolutely destroy teams - it's years since we've been able to enjoy such imperious football.

-- Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:26 pm --

Blue Maverick said:
I don't know how accurate this is but Liverpool aren't far behind us really and have spent more than United.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... today.html</a>

There's a flaw in that only got money a few years back! Look at your net spend, £550m !! And that's since that Thai bloke bought you really isn't it?

shows you the consequences of having to catch up in 3 years before the status quo try and shut you out to be anti-competitive and divide the wealth between them.
Blue Maverick said:
I don't know how accurate this is but Liverpool aren't far behind us really and have spent more than United.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... today.html</a>
When you factor in transfer price inflation, they haven't spent that much less than us over the long term. The point their fans make though is that it's money they've "earned" by being a successful team, rather than the money "gifted" to us (as they see it).

So they see that as unfair but don't recognise that the fact they had additional revenue from the CL for years, which allowed them to maintain their success, was also in itself unfair.
What happens when teams park the bus against you? That hasn't happened yet. It will

LFC are basically a counter-attacking team who get the ball forward quickly to SAS. It's exciting to watch, but can be nullified by defending deep.

LFC have established a reputation now. Everyone knows the threat. Next season, and maybe even the back end of this, you'll see teams playing a lot deeper.

I remember in mancini's title-winning season, we were playing great football for the 1st half of the season, and then we started to stutter as teams adapted their game. The same thing will happen with Liverpool, and they will have to get new strings to their bow
Marvin said:
What happens when teams park the bus against you? That hasn't happened yet. It will

LFC are basically a counter-attacking team who get the ball forward quickly to SAS. It's exciting to watch, but can be nullified by defending deep.

LFC have established a reputation now. Everyone knows the threat. Next season, and maybe even the back end of this, you'll see teams playing a lot deeper.

I remember in mancini's title-winning season, we were playing great football for the 1st half of the season, and then we started to stutter as teams adapted their game. The same thing will happen with Liverpool, and they will have to get new strings to their bow

That's the biggest load of shit...

We played counterattack against the likes of Arsenal & Everton. We played the patient game against the likes of Sunderland, West Ham & Manure. We have a number of formations and styles which we are capable of playing. To say we're a one trick pony is as laughable as saying we're a one man team.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Blue Maverick said:
I don't know how accurate this is but Liverpool aren't far behind us really and have spent more than United.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... today.html</a>
When you factor in transfer price inflation, they haven't spent that much less than us over the long term. The point their fans make though is that it's money they've "earned" by being a successful team, rather than the money "gifted" to us (as they see it).

So they see that as unfair but don't recognise that the fact they had additional revenue from the CL for years, which allowed them to maintain their success, was also in itself unfair.
Lets be honest, fairness only really comes into the equation for many football supporters when it affects us. Liverpool fans didn't give a fuck about how unfair it was for the rest of football when they had an advantage. Now they have what they perceive to be a disadvantage, it's all so unfair and they hate modern football.

In fairness, a moveable sense of morality is true of most football supporters. The sweet smell of success can make the line between right and wrong a little blurred.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
mcmanus said:
Scouse_Jimi said:
Which players have you bought with a point to prove? I suppose Toure did have being a bench warmer for Barca but who else?

We'll win trophies, need to remember we're right at the begining of quite a big rebuilding job. The fact we're only a year in and we're challenging for the league is a massive achievement. Anfield will be getting expanded and there's a 20k waiting list for season tickets...rammed full every week whilst keeping it's historic roots. On the up - I imagine we'll be having some pretty titanic battles over the next few years, can't wait.

Rebuilding? Check
Massive? Check
Waiting list for season tickets? Check
History? Check

You taking the piss?
Haha! Good too see you're still being vigilant, mate, even at this late hour ;-)

When those 4 words/phrases at thrown at you they kinda stick out.
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