Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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LFC-Fans said:
@BluePhil8 said:
I’ve just been on RAWK and I’m quite shocked by what I have read.

I don’t mind Liverpool at all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. In fact, if we don’t win the League, I’d rather they won it than the anti-football Mou. I can’t stomach a Summer of Mourinho love in the media.

They seem to have a different attitude to us though.

Apparently we are just a bunch of arrogant wankers who have bought success. Apparently we need to remember that we didn’t exist prior to 2008.

It’s quite a shame actually, you’d think after the last 5 years they’ve had they might have learnt a bit of humility. But no, as soon as they are back in the top 3 they are singing “we’re gunna win the league” ever week. A poster on RAWK actually said that “they can smell the fear” from our fans. It’s quite pathetic really that they haven’t lost their superiority complex. They sound just like the rags, on RAWK, they think they have a divine right to be a top team because of their history.


Why do opposing teams use RAWK as their source of Liverpool fans views? The OFFICIAL forums is where the people with common sense (most of the time) are. Dont listen to them man, we do respect your club, its embarrassing that forum.

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It's no different to Liverpool fans on RAWK using Bluemoon as their source of City fans views!

I'll confess that there is the odd poster on RAWK that gets my back up when they spout vitriol about City but to be fair, there are actually loads of great posters on RAWK and the idiots are very much in a minority. Same goes for this site - you'll get knobheads giving decent opposition posters unwarranted stick but again they will be in a minority but for some reason we tend to take more notice of those with extreme views while forgetting that the majority air sensible views.
Blue Mist said:
I have stayed of this thread for a number of reasons, but who ever organised hundreds of fans to go to the ground well before the kick off, provide them with flags and get them to line the route that the coach drives along really needs to give his head a big big wobble.
It was so embarrassing.

When the fat lady starts singing then you start flag waving otherwise you just end up looking stupid.

A pool fan at work was telling me they are going to be doing the victory parade for the team bus for all the remaining home games. Fucking Hell!
Quite an achievement when you consider the strikers they have had.


Posted at 14:31

Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge on twitter: I'm honoured to be the fastest player since the 1890s to score 30 league goals for Liverpool FC.

Sturridge's goal in Wednesday 2-1 win over Sunderland saw him reach 30 league goals for the club in just his 37th appearances
kippaxblue76 said:
Quite an achievement when you consider the strikers they have had.


Posted at 14:31

Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge on twitter: I'm honoured to be the fastest player since the 1890s to score 30 league goals for Liverpool FC.

Sturridge's goal in Wednesday 2-1 win over Sunderland saw him reach 30 league goals for the club in just his 37th appearances
Funny how he managed to beat every journo, pundit and statistician out with the good news isn't it? good old Danny ;)
kippaxblue76 said:
Quite an achievement when you consider the strikers they have had.


Posted at 14:31

Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge on twitter: I'm honoured to be the fastest player since the 1890s to score 30 league goals for Liverpool FC.

Sturridge's goal in Wednesday 2-1 win over Sunderland saw him reach 30 league goals for the club in just his 37th appearances

That seems to indicate they have only employed slower forwards since the 1890's.
Blue Mist said:
I have stayed of this thread for a number of reasons, but who ever organised hundreds of fans to go to the ground well before the kick off, provide them with flags and get them to line the route that the coach drives along really needs to give his head a big big wobble.
It was so embarrassing.

When the fat lady starts singing then you start flag waving otherwise you just end up looking stupid.
They don't say it will be this year they win it.
@BluePhil8 said:
I’ve just been on RAWK and I’m quite shocked by what I have read.

I don’t mind Liverpool at all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. In fact, if we don’t win the League, I’d rather they won it than the anti-football Mou. I can’t stomach a Summer of Mourinho love in the media.

They seem to have a different attitude to us though.

Apparently we are just a bunch of arrogant wankers who have bought success. Apparently we need to remember that we didn’t exist prior to 2008.

It’s quite a shame actually, you’d think after the last 5 years they’ve had they might have learnt a bit of humility. But no, as soon as they are back in the top 3 they are singing “we’re gunna win the league” ever week. A poster on RAWK actually said that “they can smell the fear” from our fans. It’s quite pathetic really that they haven’t lost their superiority complex. They sound just like the rags, on RAWK, they think they have a divine right to be a top team because of their history.


Liverpool Squad v Sunderland last night cost over £160m. Still, that's not buying it is it?
Yea RAWK's full of proper sad twats. If we don't win it I want the scousers to do it. Piss mourinho and the rags off and I don't mind that or them
kippaxblue76 said:
Quite an achievement when you consider the strikers they have had.


Posted at 14:31

Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge on twitter: I'm honoured to be the fastest player since the 1890s to score 30 league goals for Liverpool FC.

Sturridge's goal in Wednesday 2-1 win over Sunderland saw him reach 30 league goals for the club in just his 37th appearances

Could be even more if he wasn't so selfless in front of goal.
Don't know if these have been posted yet, but it seems the Scousers are getting giddy at the possibility of winning the title.

They formed a guard of honour with flags and flares, as well as chanting, "we're gonna win the league", before the Sunderland game.

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