Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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Title is in your hands, you have to win all of your games from now til the end of the season. You do that, you've won it. One slip up, and its in Chelsea's hands.

If we beat both you and Chelsea AND you slip up elsewhere. Its in our hands, so safe to say we are outsiders for it. But i'll be more than happy with 3rd.
I don't know what the fuss is all about, didn't they already win the title at Christmas?

When will the Mickys ever learn?!? Walk before you can run, if they weren't so giddy they'd stand a miles better chance, all the giddiness is doing is ramping up the pressure on their own team every game, it's why Mancini was always adament "we're not favourites" even when we only needed to win our last game at home. Last night should've been a routine home win against a poor side but you saw the nerves second half because of how silly and OTT the fans were going. I also think the mickys forget how the nerves grow, the closer you get the harder it gets, Rafa "I only talk fact" proved that.

Let them get giddy and sing and make the mistakes they've made time and time again for the last two decades.
A more positive note about both City and Liverpool rather than all the argumentative ones......both sets of fans are as bad as each other in this regard.

It must be said that the quality of football displayed and the number of goals scored by both teams has greatly enhanced the Premier League this season. In Silva, Yaya, Aguero, Fernandinho, Suarez, Sturridge, and the like, it is no wonder that such great football is being played.
br62 said:
A more positive note about both City and Liverpool rather than all the argumentative ones......both sets of fans are as bad as each other in this regard.

It must be said that the quality of football displayed and the number of goals scored by both teams has greatly enhanced the Premier League this season. In Silva, Yaya, Aguero, Fernandinho, Suarez, Sturridge, and the like, it is no wonder that such great football is being played.

Bang on that mate tbh. But its about time liverpool had a few blips on the way, whats there hardest fixtures remaing would you say?
casualdeyna said:
I don't know what the fuss is all about, didn't they already win the title at Christmas?

When will the Mickys ever learn?!? Walk before you can run, if they weren't so giddy they'd stand a miles better chance, all the giddiness is doing is ramping up the pressure on their own team every game, it's why Mancini was always adament "we're not favourites" even when we only needed to win our last game at home. Last night should've been a routine home win against a poor side but you saw the nerves second half because of how silly and OTT the fans were going. I also think the mickys forget how the nerves grow, the closer you get the harder it gets, Rafa "I only talk fact" proved that.

Let them get giddy and sing and make the mistakes they've made time and time again for the last two decades.

1. Again, remember where we're coming from. For me we just must get 3rd, that's the goal.
2. You of all teams should know what it's like to play against teams that park the bus. Sunderland were ultra-defensive. yes got scary in the end, but even then we'd been comfortable up to the 2-0. We're not going to win every game 6-2, fans before the game were talking 5-1, yourself say "walk before you run", so it was good to get a cagey performance.
3. We did it without Suarez having to bail us out.

Hopefully Spurs will be naive and play a high line or try to attack a little.<br /><br />-- Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:31 am --<br /><br />
Blue_Rossy said:
br62 said:
A more positive note about both City and Liverpool rather than all the argumentative ones......both sets of fans are as bad as each other in this regard.

It must be said that the quality of football displayed and the number of goals scored by both teams has greatly enhanced the Premier League this season. In Silva, Yaya, Aguero, Fernandinho, Suarez, Sturridge, and the like, it is no wonder that such great football is being played.

Bang on that mate tbh. But its about time liverpool had a few blips on the way, whats there hardest fixtures remaing would you say?

Chelsea at home, with no disrespect intended to you lot.

I just think they match up better against us, and will be unapologetically negative while against you it'll be an open game where anything goes.
I’ve just been on RAWK and I’m quite shocked by what I have read.

I don’t mind Liverpool at all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. In fact, if we don’t win the League, I’d rather they won it than the anti-football Mou. I can’t stomach a Summer of Mourinho love in the media.

They seem to have a different attitude to us though.

Apparently we are just a bunch of arrogant wankers who have bought success. Apparently we need to remember that we didn’t exist prior to 2008.

It’s quite a shame actually, you’d think after the last 5 years they’ve had they might have learnt a bit of humility. But no, as soon as they are back in the top 3 they are singing “we’re gunna win the league” ever week. A poster on RAWK actually said that “they can smell the fear” from our fans. It’s quite pathetic really that they haven’t lost their superiority complex. They sound just like the rags, on RAWK, they think they have a divine right to be a top team because of their history.

@BluePhil8 said:
I’ve just been on RAWK and I’m quite shocked by what I have read.

I don’t mind Liverpool at all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. In fact, if we don’t win the League, I’d rather they won it than the anti-football Mou. I can’t stomach a Summer of Mourinho love in the media.

They seem to have a different attitude to us though.

Apparently we are just a bunch of arrogant wankers who have bought success. Apparently we need to remember that we didn’t exist prior to 2008.

It’s quite a shame actually, you’d think after the last 5 years they’ve had they might have learnt a bit of humility. But no, as soon as they are back in the top 3 they are singing “we’re gunna win the league” ever week. A poster on RAWK actually said that “they can smell the fear” from our fans. It’s quite pathetic really that they haven’t lost their superiority complex. They sound just like the rags, on RAWK, they think they have a divine right to be a top team because of their history.


Why do opposing teams use RAWK as their source of Liverpool fans views? The OFFICIAL forums is where the people with common sense (most of the time) are. Dont listen to them man, we do respect your club, its embarrassing that forum.

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@BluePhil8 said:
I’ve just been on RAWK and I’m quite shocked by what I have read.

I don’t mind Liverpool at all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. In fact, if we don’t win the League, I’d rather they won it than the anti-football Mou. I can’t stomach a Summer of Mourinho love in the media.

They seem to have a different attitude to us though.

Apparently we are just a bunch of arrogant wankers who have bought success. Apparently we need to remember that we didn’t exist prior to 2008.

It’s quite a shame actually, you’d think after the last 5 years they’ve had they might have learnt a bit of humility. But no, as soon as they are back in the top 3 they are singing “we’re gunna win the league” ever week. A poster on RAWK actually said that “they can smell the fear” from our fans. It’s quite pathetic really that they haven’t lost their superiority complex. They sound just like the rags, on RAWK, they think they have a divine right to be a top team because of their history.


I find if you stay away from their forums the ones you actually meet are perfectly fine. But yeah they really do seem to dislike us a hell of a lot more than I'd expect. Personally if we ain't gonna win it I'd prefer them to, they'll be really close for the rest of the season I'd expect barring a big injury to the likes of Gerrard or Suarez.

They'll slaughter Spurs no problem, half that team look like they've given up and decided they'll be transfering in the summer.
@BluePhil8 said:
I’ve just been on RAWK and I’m quite shocked by what I have read.

I don’t mind Liverpool at all. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that. In fact, if we don’t win the League, I’d rather they won it than the anti-football Mou. I can’t stomach a Summer of Mourinho love in the media.

They seem to have a different attitude to us though.

Apparently we are just a bunch of arrogant wankers who have bought success. Apparently we need to remember that we didn’t exist prior to 2008.

It’s quite a shame actually, you’d think after the last 5 years they’ve had they might have learnt a bit of humility. But no, as soon as they are back in the top 3 they are singing “we’re gunna win the league” ever week. A poster on RAWK actually said that “they can smell the fear” from our fans. It’s quite pathetic really that they haven’t lost their superiority complex. They sound just like the rags, on RAWK, they think they have a divine right to be a top team because of their history.

United get stick for it, but they are another club predominatly supported by "glory supporters";

As Football Fandom experts have tried to explain. There are supporters who support their club no matter what the circumstances are for themselves, their club and their lifestyle - they build their own identity around supporting the club.

Then there are the supporters we see, read and hear from, from clubs like Liverpool. The ones who are quiet, who are not interested in engaging in anything football when they are not winning or not looking like winning anything. Then when success looks to be creeping back in, they are suddenly back out of the woodwork spouting their superiority bullshit. These people make up for their own inadequacies and their desperation for success by building their identity around success and not their club.

I can't stand the majority of "football fans" for this, and for that reason I won't entertain any Liverpool 'fans' I know if they win the league, but I would be happy for the genuine supporters who are there for their team.
I have stayed of this thread for a number of reasons, but who ever organised hundreds of fans to go to the ground well before the kick off, provide them with flags and get them to line the route that the coach drives along really needs to give his head a big big wobble.
It was so embarrassing.

When the fat lady starts singing then you start flag waving otherwise you just end up looking stupid.
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