Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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I said to a couple of pool fans a couple of weeks ago that they have had a easier season then the other top 3, one said no they hadn't, but when I said to him that at that time, city had played 45 games and pool had 34 games, then it was easier for them as it was a 2 games a week where it was nearly 3 games a week for us,
jay_mcfc said:
M18CTID said:
Football fans in getting ahead of themselves shocker. I really don't see the issue and I seem to remember a victory against Birmingham at Maine Road in the penultimate game of the 1999-2000 season sparking off a mass pitch invasion and jubilant scenes. Anyone watching on the box would've been mistaken for thinking we'd already been promoted, despite the fact that we still had to go to Blackburn and get a result the following week.

You've kind of backed up my comment to be honest. Beating Birmingham meant that we needed a point at a mid-table Blackburn or Ipswich not to win at the divsion champions. The scenario, heading into the LAST game of the season was very much in our favour. Here, Liverpool are the outsiders of three and although football fans do get giddy and do get ahead of themselves I have genuinely never seen anything like this. It is your prerogative whether or not you choose to see it as an issue but for me I can't get my head around it. If that was at City and I stumbled past it I would be asking them what the fuck are they doing. There is a habit in football of things coming back and biting you on the arse and this might be one of those instances.

I agree it was rather odd. The guard of honour thing that is. Singing "we're gonna win the league" is anything but. I've lost count of the amount of times we've sung "We're on the march with.....and we'll really shake 'em up when we win the FA Cup 'cos City are the greatest football team" only to find it blowing up in our faces.
AucklandBlue said:
The hysteria would be unbearable if they won it.

We have a few decent Liverpool fans that post on here however, I'm yet to actually meet one that has a clue what they are talking about and in my experience they all get stupidly giddy over anything at all to do with Liverpool.

The ones I've met annoy me much more than the rags.

I met one the other day. I commented on how well they are doing and he stated that Liverpool and the fans deserve to win the league after all the suffering they have been through over the last 20 years. I laughed so hard my rectum prolapsed.

No doubt there will be a media wankfest if they do win it. The romance of one of the world's most famous clubs breaking their 24-year duck will have the media falling over themselves.

However, the other alternatives to us not winning it are Chelsea and Arsenal. If Chelsea win it, Mourinho's gloating will be on a par with the press wanking over Liverpool and if Arsenal manage it, they will be rushing to give Wenger the plaudits.
M18CTID said:
smudgedj said:
jrb said:
Don't know if these have been posted yet, but it seems the Scousers are getting giddy at the possibility of winning the title.

They formed a guard of honour with flags and flares, as well as chanting, "we're gonna win the league", before the Sunderland game.

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-- Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:42 pm --

LPoolFan said:
Liverpool fan here in peace.

This is the first time I've registered on an opponents forum but I find it bit concerning that things are getting sour recently, it's fair to say there's never really been much animosity between City and Liverpool fans.

What I find annoying from both sides is people nit picking comments from both boards and labelling it 'this is what they're like', and others just throwing fuel on the fire and building up hatred and vile.

It's a sign of the times I suppose, the rise of social media and all that bollocks means it's a bit too easy to take a look at your opponents. But people need to be realistic, we've all got bias that lends itself to our respective clubs so views are often exaggerated. And of course, we've all got absolute whoppers that spout shite - it's the cousin you don't want to invite to the family party but at the end of the day he's family.

All this being said what has baffled me is the reaction by many here to some of things our fans have done or said in recent months. We've been singing 'we're gonna win the league' for most of this season, what I don't get here is why it's being interpreted as expectation or arrogance? I tell you this, none of us are under the delusion that we're going to win this - but fuck me we have a good chance of doing so and we want the players to feel the same.

Why is this being attacked? We're showing support for the club and a bit of belief, why should we keep quiet and not dream of achieving what at the start of the season was unthinkable.

The criticisms of the organised event yesterday where we met the team with flags and banners is just as confusing to me, it's all in the same vein. Giving the team our support and showing we believe they can go on and do this. Anfield hasn't always been the loudest in recent years it was nice to see something akin to a Champions League night. It's not expectation or arrogance, it's support. Just as many of you turned up and supported City through the lower leagues.

Just confused the hell out of me that!

Anyway, if we don't win the league I hope you guys to. Anything but Chelsea or United (ha!)

Sorry pal but singing 'we're going to win the league la' comes across as being a bunch of arrogant knobbers

Fucking hell, Liverpool fans are by no means the first to sing "We're gonna win the league". I reckon the fans of most clubs have sung that or something similar in the past. If that makes them arrogant, then you could say exactly the same about the penultimate line of the Zabaleta song ("And when we win the league, we'll sing this song again").

'When' is a subordinating conjunction not a statement of fact. :-)
Maybe I'm the odd one here (it certainly appears so!), but since when did being a football fan have to be such a joyless affair. Surely a major part of the enjoyment is getting carried away and dreaming (however unrealistically) about what your team might achieve. Christ if you could only get any joy out of actually winning things then the vast majority of fans would get very little out of being a fan most seasons. Certainly would be true for my lot (I'm a Spurs fan).

Perhaps I have a different view precisely because we rarely actually compete for much, but I don't begrudge any fan of any club getting "giddy" as it's being referred to. It's also a great stick to beat opposition fans with if/when it does all get pear-shaped - which is again (for me) a huge part of being a football fan. I'm currently taking great pleasure in winding up Ars*nal mates who really thought they were going to win the title this year, just as they have taken great pleasure in winding me up after we were convinced we were finally going to finish above them and stick them out of the CL last year.

I obviously view it differently to a lot on here but maybe it really does come down to what level a club is. Being a Spurs fan is largely about hoping/dreaming for me and if I didn't have that then I'd enjoy being a fan a lot less.
Dear newspapers and journalists:

It's ok to write about City and Chelsea! Every other article now seems to be about United's demise (they're still in the UCL) and our triumph (we haven't WON anything!!!). I'd like to see more articles about Martinez, Spurs's summer spending plans (heh) or next coach, the relegation battle, etc.
There would be nothing worse then these twats winning the league, they have the most deluded and self entitled fans in the world, watching them win all around them once was enough and i tell you now they were even worse then the rags, the wankfest will be unbearable
Proelia said:
There would be nothing worse then these twats winning the league, they have the most deluded and self entitled fans in the world, watching them win all around them once was enough and i tell you now they were even worse then the rags, the wankfest will be unbearable

I imagine it would be little more than slightly irritating rather than 'unbearable'

Nothing worse than them winning the league? Yes there is - united winning anything, at least for me
Could be the start of something big for them. They have a young manager who has a good football philosophy and has his players buying in to what he's doing. IF he can buy wisely I see them being a major threat for the foreseeable future. '

Rodgers has a bright future and so do Liverpool. bring it on!
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