Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

lauralouise said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
lauralouise said:
I'm not saying he's not got a lot to learn. Rodgers himself said "it was the management of the football game that cost us tonight. The energy of the players was fine." I just think it's silly to insinuate that he's not a very good young manager when the same people will probably sing Pulis' praises. We go into the last game of the season with the (slim) chance of winning the title, if he's not a good manager then… I dunno.
He's a good coach, there's little doubt about that. But a good manager is a different beast altogether and he isn't that yet as tonight demonstrated.

Mancini built us from the back, made us solid then made us play football. Pellegrini settled for the 3 points at Selhurst Park as that was the priority. That was good management by both of them. Rodgers has done neither with you and showed crimianl naivety tonight.

He should do less talking and more thinking. Less worrying about his pretty puerile mind-games and more about real football games. He should have shut up shop, taken the points and put the pressure back on us. If we get the 3 points against Villa and you wanted to try to catch us on GD, then do it on Sunday when you're at home against a pretty demotivated team and have nothing to lose.

Okay, okay. I know what you're saying. Do you think he never reaches that level though? Both Pellegrini and Mancini have a few more years of experience under their belts than Rodgers does at the moment. He's grown so much during his time at Liverpool and learnt from many mistakes - he's not been stubborn and he's accepted when things need to be shaken up and simply haven't worked. The mistake he made tonight I have no doubt he will learn from.

I actually don't really think he plays mind games, I think he just says the things Liverpool fans want to hear. Obviously that's not to everybody's tastes but compare his 'mind games' to Mourinho's and they're not even a thing. I'm just glad the media have began to slowly take their heads out of Mourinho's bum.

I dunno. I just don't think the future is as bleak under Rodgers as some make out.

I am sure he will learn a lot this season
mcfclovin88 said:
moomba said:
We've won nothing yet. 3 points Wednesday and still a job to do on the weekend. Then we can enjoy it.


No we havent won anything..but we havent printed t shirts,booked hotels for the parade or constantly "sung we're gonna win the leaue" everytime the team bus pulls in..

we are just posters on a forum that see that glimmer of hope getting slightly brighter.

Come on City ,be strong be focused,be proffessional.<br /><br />-- Tue May 06, 2014 7:32 am --<br /><br />
RightTurnClyde said:

What the fuck is that in the middle?

He could well have a glandular problem fella..
Manchester_lalala said:
RightTurnClyde said:

What the fuck is that in the middle?

Shouldn't really laugh but I was pissing myself when I saw him live. Love clips like this, watch it over and over and still see something new. I think last night was one of the funniest I've ever had. Poor dippers.

Not an oversized chin, just an undigested hub cap.
I think it's hugely disrespectful of Rodgers (and Mourinho for that matter) to be saying he title race is over. It's disrespectful to Villa and to West Ham, it's disrespectful to Palace, to us and most of all to his club, the LFC fans and his players! I hate this about some managers, there is nothing at all wrong with a bit of honesty and integrity "it's going to be hard but anything is possible in football as Palace have shown tonight and we still have a chance so we will train hard and prepare for Newcastle and be ready to take any opportunity that comes our way" would have been a more worthwhile comment!!
Crouchinho said:
Said it to a few of my Liverpool supporting friends that Palace would be difficult, they more or less laughed at me.

I don't think Liverpool bottled it as such, they were going for a fourth but were very poor in their final pass and finishing, once Palace got that goal the momentum was with them, they're a decent side once they get going. Jedinak was brilliant in the game I thought, he's a really strong player

That Moses shot at the end was dreadful, he should be scoring that, I'm sure Jose will somehow say that was down to him too

Someone told me that Liverpool have conceded one less than Spurs, that is bloody dreadful!!! lol

Nasri's miss v Sunderland was worse.
de niro said:
Crouchinho said:
Said it to a few of my Liverpool supporting friends that Palace would be difficult, they more or less laughed at me.

I don't think Liverpool bottled it as such, they were going for a fourth but were very poor in their final pass and finishing, once Palace got that goal the momentum was with them, they're a decent side once they get going. Jedinak was brilliant in the game I thought, he's a really strong player

That Moses shot at the end was dreadful, he should be scoring that, I'm sure Jose will somehow say that was down to him too

Someone told me that Liverpool have conceded one less than Spurs, that is bloody dreadful!!! lol

Nasri's miss v Sunderland was worse.

Indeed it was.
could we please leave the piss taking until IF we win the league, leave all the gloating to them let them look complete tits for the " champions 2014 " t-shirts lets keep a low profile until 6pm sunday.

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