Liverpool Thread 2014/15

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Just overheard a red dipper try to convince someone that there are over 60k on their season ticket waiting list, Now a quick google search says there are about 25k on the list with some being on there since the late 90s
Shirley said:
dennishasdoneit said:
Ducado said:
There is the whiff of slow terminal decline about them

there is also the whiff of fresh paint from the brand new kwik fit seat all the new fans eager to see lambert and henderson

Don't let us kid ourselves they have a huge global fan base similar to the rags and I see them now milking them the same way as the rags have done over the years.
It's big revenue.
Maybe in the English speaking world, but outside of that, how many do you think they really have? I live in Vietnam, and I don't know a single local who supports Liverpool. I'm starting to see quite a few City shirts nowadays (admittedly knock offs, so not worth anything to us). Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, but very few Liverpool. The only Liverpool fans I know are from Liverpool, Ireland and Australia. I also haven't seen any Liverpool players advertising things over here in the same was as the new Big Four (tm). I saw a City credit card being advertised the other day and obviously the rags are all over everything. Arsenal are also extremely popular. I'd imagine it's the same in the places where the fans are actually worth money like Japan and Korea.
Assuming fans in Asia are no less 'attached' to clubs than we are (why should they be, they're fans just like us really), then I'd expect a fanbase to be stable for about 50 years ( a decent supporting lifetime ).

I can't see Liverpool's fanbase increasing without more success though. We have a long way to go to catch them up, but we're on the up and they're on the way down. It'll probably take 20 years to catch them up.
Football is a monster of it's own making now and everyone wants to watch the prem. Plenty of fans for us to win and also many younguns who will see us will be getting dad to buy a city top for them. Liverpool better hope their non local fans keep buying because i think everyone sees they are the proverbial ducks feet paddling like mad.

They are the norths version of spurs as it is and have been in general for a good while, i see nothing in the pipeline to affect that standard.
I would have liked to see their owners faces when it was announced ffp was being basically binned. I bet that news ruined their day.
TCIB said:
Football is a monster of it's own making now and everyone wants to watch the prem. Plenty of fans for us to win and also many younguns who will see us will be getting dad to buy a city top for them. Liverpool better hope their non local fans keep buying because i think everyone sees they are the proverbial ducks feet paddling like mad.

They are the norths version of spurs as it is and have been in general for a good while, i see nothing in the pipeline to affect that standard.
I would have liked to see their owners faces when it was announced ffp was being basically binned. I bet that news ruined their day.

I agree. Seeing how United grabbed masses of young kids in the last 20 years (due to success) demonstrated to me how easily young kids are 'grabbed' by the team of the moment. You even see Chelsea shirts on young kids now.

The only downside, it's a philosophical one really, is that any new wave of fans are a different breed to older City fans, as they've obviously chosen a 'winning' team, whereas many older City fans chose the underdog.
FanchesterCity said:
Assuming fans in Asia are no less 'attached' to clubs than we are (why should they be, they're fans just like us really), then I'd expect a fanbase to be stable for about 50 years ( a decent supporting lifetime ).
There are plenty of reasons why Asian fans are less attached though. They might not be likely to simply switch teams, but they'd definitely lose interest in football if their team isn't doing well, like plenty of glory-hunting fans at home. The simple fact is that the less successful a team is, the harder it becomes to follow them from a distance. My friend supports Villa, and he simply has to accept the fact that they're only going to be on TV if there's no bigger teams playing at the time. If there are other games on at the same time, they are unlikely to be the featured game in the bars. They're not going to be involved in the Champions League either. And they might continue to support the team, but I wouldn't be surprised if merchandise sales went down if the team is less successful. Like I said, I don't see many Liverpool shirts here. So you're not going to get a huge number of people changing teams (although it definitely happens more often than back home), but you are going to get more or less money from your supporters, and get more or less money from promotions and advertising. No-one wants to be promoted by a mid-table team, unless it has some sort of connection to the country. And most importantly, the successful teams are going to get the next generation of kids, who are the ones that buy all of the tat. A 40 year old Singaporean bloke is probably not going to buy the new shirt every year, whereas he might buy one for his 10 year old kid.
Mad Eyed Screamer said:
FanchesterCity said:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ion-night/</a>

My God....

Echo Arena for an Istanbul reunion? Talk about milking history.

How the fuck did a team with Steve Finnan, Harry Kewell and Mirlos Baras win the Champions League!

Baros > Borini or Lambert or Sterling-as-a-striker
Finnan wasn't that bad
Dippers have cancelled their meeting tomorrow with Sterling and his agent.

Reaction to this by their fans is priceless - @RAWK_Meltdown will be going into overdrive. Here's just one to be getting on with;

I wonder in what country did that agent grow up to have the temerity to show such lack of respect towards one of the founding institutions of british football? Unreal.
roman totale said:
Dippers have cancelled their meeting tomorrow with Sterling and his agent.

Reaction to this by their fans is priceless - @RAWK_Meltdown will be going into overdrive. Here's just one to be getting on with;

I wonder in what country did that agent grow up to have the temerity to show such lack of respect towards one of the founding institutions of british football? Unreal.

Did you read the alleged comments? If true, the agent's being a total dick.

This is one of those situations where nobody comes off looking particularly well.
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