Liverpool thread 2020/21

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There's a 1 week to 2 week lag between transmission of the virus and cases being reported, in this country anyway. It was probably longer in the early stages. Look a few weeks on from Cheltenham and you'll see your spike, I know we had one with people returning from it.
The numbers in Liverpool peaked at 74 on the 8th April which would have been nearly 4 weeks after the match. Joe Anderson ( Gotham City Mayor) blamed the go ahead for the match on the government and UEFA.
Wonder why they are not investigating the masses outside Anfield and the Pier Head so intensely!
I'd gone to Wembley reasonably happy but sensing the problems ahead.

I was please the Arsenal game was called off and took the decision on if I should go out of my hands, honestly don't know which way I'd have jumped but I was aware that it'd be my choice and any ramifications would be from my own actions.

The following day I rang my lad down south and told him I wasn't going to the Burnley game and if he came up it'd probably be best all round if he stayed away from the house.

Upshot is, the writing was on the wall...make your personal choice....accept the outcome of said choice.

Like you I went to Wembley but unlike you I wasnt overly happy about going. But it was my lads first time and ge really want to go. I was bad on the train back, hot , sweaty cold, shaking, fell asleep and in bed for a good few days as well.
Like you I chose not to go the the Burnley match , but my son wanted to go and was taking a mate instead of me !. Thankfully it was postponed.
If you've not lost anyone or know of anyone close to you that hasn't lost a loved one you are one of the fortunate ones. Almost every family has suffered during the pandemic in one shape or form.

The thing that seems to be forgotten by too many are the scores of nurses, doctors, and frontline workers, bus drivers, teachers and many more who lost their lives because they had no choice but to try and keep the country from falling apart.

I feel for those that lost a loved one. What sticks in the throat is those seeking retribution. When you had a choice you chose not to use common sense. Now it's too late let's look for someone to blame rather than show your appreciation for the selfless work of our frontline workers, and the sacrifices they continue to make for our nations wellbeing.
Well said (although) I edited out your first dig at the city itself.
It is a sad reflection on society as a whole that so many seek to blame others when something goes wrong rather than looking to themselves to see if there was anything they could or should have done differently.

Nobody forced anyone to attend this game or any other game or Cheltenham for that matter. The information was out there and we all knew what was going on and how this thing was spreading. Equally the players and club themselves could have pushed to have the game postponed. Maybe being more forceful would have pushed UEFA into doing the right thing (but of course when has UEFA ever really done the right thing?) So I am not sure that the comments with regard to the club abdicating any sense of responsibility for safety, simply for a "european night" are entirely sensible...more simply a case of going with the general theme of lets pick on the smallest thing we can to traduce the club and fans.

To play the game may well have been naive, or certainly looking back just foolish/stupid (insert your own word here) but sometimes when football comes into the equation we simply do not think sensibly.

The whole thing is awful but then how do you tell someone who has lost someone that they need to "wise up"?
I blame the small claims lawyers......
The numbers in Liverpool peaked at 74 on the 8th April which would have been nearly 4 weeks after the match. Joe Anderson ( Gotham City Mayor) blamed the go ahead for the match on the government and UEFA.
Wonder why they are not investigating the masses outside Anfield and the Pier Head so intensely!
They've got two cathedrals in Liverpool full of candles and yet they have masses at Anfield and Pier Head?
Must be so they could set off fireworks outside.
Well said (although) I edited out your first dig at the city itself.
It is a sad reflection on society as a whole that so many seek to blame others when something goes wrong rather than looking to themselves to see if there was anything they could or should have done differently.

Nobody forced anyone to attend this game or any other game or Cheltenham for that matter. The information was out there and we all knew what was going on and how this thing was spreading. Equally the players and club themselves could have pushed to have the game postponed. Maybe being more forceful would have pushed UEFA into doing the right thing (but of course when has UEFA ever really done the right thing?) So I am not sure that the comments with regard to the club abdicating any sense of responsibility for safety, simply for a "european night" are entirely sensible...more simply a case of going with the general theme of lets pick on the smallest thing we can to traduce the club and fans.

To play the game may well have been naive, or certainly looking back just foolish/stupid (insert your own word here) but sometimes when football comes into the equation we simply do not think sensibly.

The whole thing is awful but then how do you tell someone who has lost someone that they need to "wise up"?
I blame the small claims lawyers......
Calling @gordondaviesmoustache to this thread IMMEDIATELY!
I went onto RAWK yesterday to gauge their feelings RE - VAR in general and in particular the foul on Foden...

...those deluded fuckers on there seem to "honestly" believe that neither Mane nor Salah go to ground easily or exaggerate contact to win cheap free-kicks/penalties.

Think there was even mention that Salah would have to be attacked so forcibly that his head would need to be removed from his shoulders in a challenge for him to win a penalty!

I'm almost lost for words at their complete lack of self awareness, I realise that as tribal football fans we're all a bit one eyed from time to time, but they take it to a whole new level.

PS - Scouse cunts!
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