Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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I’d go as far as saying the way our media has reacted to these events has been militant in its execution and clearly heavily coordinated.

Listen, I don’t know the whole truth but I seriously doubt City would have received this same overprotection that Liverpool have. In fact, I know we wouldn’t. I dare say we would have been made out to have been the villains with calls to ban us from Europe.

When you see the way they’ve rushed to the defence of Liverpool it just goes to show the power they have as a club. It’s actually quite scary to be honest and provides a clear picture of what we’re up against.

If Liverpool fans are completely innocent then I hope the report says that. It’s just the speed of those rushing to defend which has shocked me before we know all the facts.
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Anyone who bought or sold one of these has absolutely zero right to bang on about “the 96” ever again. The more I think about it the more angry it makes me as the real world consequences could have been much, much worse than they were.
Unfortunately with the free pass they are now getting from the media, it's not a matter of if but when someone loses their life watching Liverpool again.
I’d go as far as saying the way our media has reacted to these events has been militant in its execution and clearly heavily coordinated.

Listen, I don’t know the whole truth but I seriously doubt City would have received this same overprotection that Liverpool have. In fact, I know we wouldn’t. I dare say we would have been made out to have been the villains with calls to ban us from Europe.

When you see the way they’ve rushed to the defence of Liverpool it just goes to show the power they have as a club. It’s actually quite scary to be honest and provides a clear picture of what we’re up against.

If this had been us on Saturday we would have been banned before the game even kicked off. I know a group of scouse twats via work who have come back from Paris finding it funny as fuck that they got in with fakes… when asked how they felt that people with actual tickets were left outside the response of “couldn’t give a fuck, not my problem” sums up their fan base.
I love seeing them bragging about their parade(the one disgracefully held on the Heysel anniversary) despite losing out on the two major trophies, they don't seem to realise mentioning the fact they missed out on the ones they want and creating this narrative it would have been bigger and better had they got the ones they wanted is describing themselves completely unaided as the very definition of glory hunters. Daft classless twats.
You have to ask is it just bad luck or coincidence that there are so many incidents involving them inside and outside stadiums. Do they queue in a different manner from the rest of us?
A comparable fanbase would be the Rags - nationwide fanbase, successful,and have played at same level in years gone by. Yet even they have had nowhere near as many incidents involving them.
So why have Liverpool as a fanbase had so many issues?
Because there horrible cunts end of
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