Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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The twat wouldn't last in this team, he will get red carded every time he play for us. He will not get afforded the same protection like he has from playing for dippers.
Given there is no player ever in the history of the game who gets red carded every time he plays, this appears to be a very silly over reaction.
Why would it ? They are well paid employees, nothing will changed for them. If they get sold they go to another well paid job.

Are you saying the players love the owners and are upset ?

I can see it unsettling the minions who were threatened with furlough being unsure of their future.

I can see it unsettling the fans as the dippers are fairly racist it would be their worst nightmare if taken over by someone non white. So the field for a new buyer is slim.

We have no sporting director, the majority of our key staff have quit and left. The owners situation is unsettling the manager and Klopp doesn't know if he going to get funds to rebuild or not. The guy who was responsible for Mane, Salah, VVD and many key player left and likely to be picked up by either Chelsea or United, the one who replaced him also quit within 6 months. We have no club doctor as well.
Are Liverpool in debt too?

Yes we changed training ground to the AXA training ground and they been working on Anfield facilities improvements. Basically the owners treat the club like a buisness, they are focused on increasing the value of their assets instead of giving the club funds to the transfer market.

Liverpool had the 3rd revenue even bigger than United so we are not broke. The owners just choose to focus on increasing their assets instead of supporting the club just like any capitalist Yank.
Amazing how such a fine tuned athletic squad that’s shared the title these last five years can slip away so quickly:-) :-)

Maybe a learning lesson for you guys. People like De Bruyne, Mahrez, Walker are getting on with age.. if you don't refresh the squad you going to end up like us, but I'm sure Pep would never allow that.
Some cockney dipper on 606 last night banging on about the Coutinho money and the Boston Red Sox.

Ducking brilliant. Lost the plot.

They’re like Arsenal fans during the last throws of Wenger’s dilapidated empire.
Thing is, if we’d lost that title, by crumbling against Villa, after the lead we’d had at Christmas, the (wholly unwarranted) narrative in the press would have been, with the score on the last five titles being 3-2, that their squad were our equals over that half decade, with many journalists taking the path of least resistance by deploying mental gymnastics to the point that they edged us out over that period. There is no doubt this would have been the narrative that was spun in certain quarters.

That comeback was so important for lots of reasons, including securing the legacy of such an amazing group of players. That Liverpool have since capitulated (like they did in 2020/21, but more so) has merely served to underline our dominance over them and our incredible consistency over the last half decade.

If our current league positions remain unchanged for the rest of the season, then over the last six seasons, rounding up and down to the nearest whole number, our respective average league finishes will be 1st and 4th.

So much for going toe to toe. Not even close.

Game, set and match.
My man.
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