Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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Just watched YouTube piece with 4 Liverpool 'watchalong' to yesterday's match.
Of note was 3 of the 4 all made the same Freudian slip when Liverpool went 2-0 down saying Liverpool 2-0 up ....
A simple mistake but to all make the same mistake is a wired coincidence or indicative of a certain 'cultish' mindset...?

Think that was bbc/sky/bt/talksport
Possibly the finest post ever in the history of Bluemoon!

It’s like one of Jonathan Pie’s YouTube videos that puts into words what you feel but can’t express. Eloquence with invective. Bravo!
Thank you, the worrying part is I was pissed when I wrote it and couldn't remember doing it. I was proper baffled the next day when I saw the notifications of 'likes' and replies!
These cunts will fall apart in the summer.

Klopp will get fucked off and their better players will want out.

I absolutely detest the **** but I’d be all over Robertson for LB in our side. Him overlapping Jack would be immense.

The twat wouldn't last in this team, he will get red carded every time he play for us. He will not get afforded the same protection like he has from playing for dippers.
Qatar is utterly fucking irrelevant. You've spent HUGE amounts of money on dross. You're not paupers living on the edge you've spent millions upon millions on poor players.
The owners are irrelevant at that point, the problem you've got is no forward planning, no scouting network since City changed their passwords and a piss poor manager who's biggest accomplishment is making players run around a lot and fall over semi convincingly when in or around the opposition penalty area.
The only area that your club is competent in is controlling your paid influencers in the media.
You literally won a title by diving, punching and kicking your way there. Your players are cheats, your manager is a lying, cheating, hypocrite, your backroom staff are cheats and thieves, your media shills are paid up, corporate liars and your owners are the worst kind of lying, thieving, cheating, venture capitalist scum that only the good ol' US of A can specialise in.
On top of that your fans are violent, racist, thieving, victimhood loving, murdering scumbags with the most bizarre illusions of grandeur.
There are no redeeming qualities to your team, you don't even play interesting or exciting football.
You're a shit overpriced and overhyped Wimbledon and a cheating cancer on English football so you can get fucked with your 'FSG out' and 'Klopp out' shite, you'd have won nothing without their political influence and manipulation of referees. Either support your chosen team (irregardless of your dislike of the curent owners) or do the decent thing and support your local club rather than deciding to take the easy option and 'support' whoever you thought might do well when you were younger.
Sometimes, faith in the human race is restored.
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