Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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here is a gem from the twat in chief from rawk, son of spion,just marvel at this

I'd actually disagree with the bit in bold. My first game at Anfield was against them in 1971. I was in an unsegregated Road End mixed in with their fans. I never saw any problems, never felt threatened in any way and I never saw any trouble.

By mid to late 70s that was totally turned on its head, and it was so because of our success. They became incredibly resentful and bitter. That soon turned into Jealous, pathological hatred. It was well established before Ferguson turned up, made use of it and stoked it up further.

I recall going to Manchester to see us smash the club formerly known as City. The amount of anti-LFC and anti-Scouse graffiti sprayed on walls as we drove through the area was astounding. All with MUFC tags too. They were, and still are, absolutely obsessed with us, and it's all based on rampant jealousy and self-entitlement.

Why self-entitlement? Well I heard it said numerous times that "Liverpool had the success we should have had". For some bizarre reason, they felt that we had what they believed should have been theirs. They never earned it. They never deserved it, but they still thought it should have been theirs and not ours. That shows the levels of arrogant, delusional entitlement they've always suffered from.

Their city has always been envious of the world port City of Liverpool. They've always had a chip on their shoulder. But it was our success under Bill Shankly then Sir Bob that fried their brains and turned them into hate-filled mouth-foamers. Ferguson just stoked it and used it to his advantage but the disadvantage of the game generally. Their hatred was born within their intense jealousy and the bitterness within them that resulted. Despite their success in the Ferguson era, they've never recovered their collective sanity. Their obsession with our club and our city is too deeply entrenched now.

Abu Dhabi have just picked up their baton of jealousy and bitterness. They know their success* if fake and fraudulent. They know they just don't carry the prestige Liverpool do. They know we've got things they'll never have, regardless of their blood-soaked dollars and purchased trophies*.
Hilarious, blood soaked…they know all about that don’t they.
here is a gem from the twat in chief from rawk, son of spion,just marvel at this

I'd actually disagree with the bit in bold. My first game at Anfield was against them in 1971. I was in an unsegregated Road End mixed in with their fans. I never saw any problems, never felt threatened in any way and I never saw any trouble.

By mid to late 70s that was totally turned on its head, and it was so because of our success. They became incredibly resentful and bitter. That soon turned into Jealous, pathological hatred. It was well established before Ferguson turned up, made use of it and stoked it up further.

I recall going to Manchester to see us smash the club formerly known as City. The amount of anti-LFC and anti-Scouse graffiti sprayed on walls as we drove through the area was astounding. All with MUFC tags too. They were, and still are, absolutely obsessed with us, and it's all based on rampant jealousy and self-entitlement.

Why self-entitlement? Well I heard it said numerous times that "Liverpool had the success we should have had". For some bizarre reason, they felt that we had what they believed should have been theirs. They never earned it. They never deserved it, but they still thought it should have been theirs and not ours. That shows the levels of arrogant, delusional entitlement they've always suffered from.

Their city has always been envious of the world port City of Liverpool. They've always had a chip on their shoulder. But it was our success under Bill Shankly then Sir Bob that fried their brains and turned them into hate-filled mouth-foamers. Ferguson just stoked it and used it to his advantage but the disadvantage of the game generally. Their hatred was born within their intense jealousy and the bitterness within them that resulted. Despite their success in the Ferguson era, they've never recovered their collective sanity. Their obsession with our club and our city is too deeply entrenched now.

Abu Dhabi have just picked up their baton of jealousy and bitterness. They know their success* if fake and fraudulent. They know they just don't carry the prestige Liverpool do. They know we've got things they'll never have, regardless of their blood-soaked dollars and purchased trophies*.
Deary deary me. He needs a lie down.
Liverpool was built on wealth made from 150 years of the slave trade.

Like many things, they don't like it spoken about.
There is a slavery museum in Liverpool so it is spoken about. Unlike Heysel which is ignored by a certain cult.
How much is the mcallister transfer really, in hearing everything from 30 to 50m to he's paying for the transfer himself
Most clubs have a chapter or two in their respective histories that may not be exactly wholesome. They don't deny it but they don't boast about it either. And with most of them any 'unsavoury' events took place long, long before the fans were even born. All human beings, regardless of ethnicity, will have the odd skeleton in the family tree, and most of us are not aware of it. Why would we be?
But the most hated clubs in the long history of football, the dipperags, have shameful incidents that are a lot more recent than most others, which is why they never refer to them.

Having a selective memory is not a virtue.
How much is the mcallister transfer really, in hearing everything from 30 to 50m to he's paying for the transfer himself

Don't be so cynical, the lad has worked himself up from the mean streets of Toxteth and comes from a long line of anti-slavers and Liverpool fans.
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