Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

Our biggest threat is if we play the high line and are not switched on 100%

Liverpool will try and start fast, no doubt. We have to control the game but be tactically switched on to what your game plan and klopps plan will be....nick the ball break quick and fast
I'm not sure Arsenal's game plan will be to nick the ball. It will be to try and control possession and pass through City. If you look at recent City-Arsenal games possession has been fairly even, or Arsenal have had more. The type of game vs us will be totally different to vs the Dippers. Vs us it will be a midfield battle, vs Dippers they'll try to bypass your midfield.

On that note it will be important for City to not fall for Liverpool wind up tactics - last thing you need is someone like Rodri to get sent off and miss the game against Arsenal as he will be pivotal.
I like this gem from RAWK, its...well, sort of....

Boy oh boy did this, by all standards fairly mild, true and balanced statement ruffle their precious, well combed feathers. The veneer is so thin you can polish it into a lens and use it to peer into their rotten core. The club protests innocence and sues anyone who dares to question it, while at the same time refusing to give evidence, stalling procedures and continuing to pump unwarranted funds. The players hate reminding they took money where they could have taken class and culture at another club. The manager is the worst of them all, sitting at the core of it all, loving the real-world game of Football manager he's playing, hating any reminders that maybe, just maybe he isn't as good as he would be without the safety blanket of unlimited funds.

Oh boy have they jumped on this, and all it took was one gentle knock on the shell of their structure to create this unbearable noise within they need to respond to. Of course it did because their structure is hollow, you knock and the echo reminds you of the fact its hollow.

Can be ended with “Who did we sue?”
What they don't tell you is that 20 seconds later the 3 young Dippers had slashed McAllister's face with a Stanley knife, robbed his medal and sold it to buy crystal meth for their ma.

You couldn't make this shit up could you, but Merseyside Keystone Kops have.

Police is working with Liverpool FC and Manchester City ahead of their Premier League match at Anfield this coming Sunday, 10 March, to ensure fans, players and staff of both clubs have a safe and enjoyable afternoon.

"Our policing style will be firm, fair and friendly, but officers will not tolerate any tragedy chanting, which became an offence under legislation last year.

(are they fucking serious, work with us?)

While recognising that some supporters feel the use of pyrotechnics add to the atmosphere of the occasion, the use of flares and other pyrotechnics at and around football matches is a concern and is extremely dangerous and reckless practice, so we would supporters to work with us and refrain from using any pyrotechnics.

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You couldn't make this shit up could you, but Merseyside Keystone Kops have.

Police is working with Liverpool FC and Manchester City ahead of their Premier League match at Anfield this coming Sunday, 10 March, to ensure fans, players and staff of both clubs have a safe and enjoyable afternoon.

"Our policing style will be firm, fair and friendly, but officers will not tolerate any tragedy chanting, which became an offence under legislation last year.

(are they fucking serious, work with us?)

While recognising that some supporters feel the use of pyrotechnics add to the atmosphere of the occasion, the use of flares and other pyrotechnics at and around football matches is a concern and is extremely dangerous and reckless practice, so we would supporters to work with us and refrain from using any pyrotechnics.

Total joke police force. They have treated away fans like shit for decades. They do nothing to prevent attacks by scousers. Worst policing at any football stadium I have seen in 50 years home or abroad. Don’t expect any help from them whatever happens.
Total joke police force. They have treated away fans like shit for decades. They do nothing to prevent attacks by scousers. Worst policing at any football stadium I have seen in 50 years home or abroad. Don’t expect any help from them whatever happens.
Worst police force ever. Contributing to the major issues that blight that shit-hole city

The whole city from top to bottom is corupt.

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