Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

The timing of the announcement is absolutely deilberate, make no mistake about it. Klopp himself said that he spoke to the club weeks ago about this. He (and the club) are hoping that it galavanises their push for the league in the second half of the outpouring of support from the the media for Klopp to achieve the prem (and other titles)...This seeps through to officials, fans etc.

Hopefully we can piss on his and their parade but this will be the hardest one as everyone will be pushing for Klopp to get it.....and he acts perfectly towards the crowd/audience - look at his "tears" as they sang YNWA before the game at weekend...he knew it was coming and he played to it brilliantly trying to look coy/shy etc.......compared to his normal ranting/bullying/aggressive persona on the sideline.

They are fucking desperate

Ive always said it, Id rather ANYONE wins it every year than that lot....Id rather Arsenal win it this year than that lot....

You can forget getting any result at Anfield this year...we wont even get a draw
No timing, he watched Pep documentary on Wednesday night, cried his eyes out and wondered why do I bother.
Told them on Thursday he's not staying in England as long as Pep is here and announced it Friday before someone bubbled him.
With any luck they retire that dirge of a song as it keeps bringing back memories of the scruffy fucker.
Hopefully we can piss on his and their parade but this will be the hardest one as everyone will be pushing for Klopp to get it.....and he acts perfectly towards the crowd/audience - look at his "tears" as they sang YNWA before the game at weekend...he knew it was coming and he played to it brilliantly trying to look coy/shy etc.......compared to his normal ranting/bullying/aggressive persona on the sideline.
Nothing will be as hard as 2018/19 - the 30th anniversary of hillsborough. They got every decision going from season start to end.

It was pre-written for them to win it that year.... But John Stones had other ideas.
The timing of the announcement is absolutely deilberate, make no mistake about it. Klopp himself said that he spoke to the club weeks ago about this. He (and the club) are hoping that it galavanises their push for the league in the second half of the outpouring of support from the the media for Klopp to achieve the prem (and other titles)...This seeps through to officials, fans etc.

Hopefully we can piss on his and their parade but this will be the hardest one as everyone will be pushing for Klopp to get it.....and he acts perfectly towards the crowd/audience - look at his "tears" as they sang YNWA before the game at weekend...he knew it was coming and he played to it brilliantly trying to look coy/shy etc.......compared to his normal ranting/bullying/aggressive persona on the sideline.

They are fucking desperate

Ive always said it, Id rather ANYONE wins it every year than that lot....Id rather Arsenal win it this year than that lot....

You can forget getting any result at Anfield this year...we wont even get a draw
Thinking of taking advantage of the corruption pre planned for that fixture and lumping on large on the Dippers to be gifted the win.
Any other result and I will be out of pocket but deliriously happy
Sorry if posted previously, but didn't Keegan announce he was leaving months in advance and the subsequent performance until the end of the season dire?
I think there will be an initial Klippity bounce but a few players will start to look over their shoulders as the rest of the season progresses with a fall off of performance. Hopefully.
Sorry if posted previously, but didn't Keegan announce he was leaving months in advance and the subsequent performance until the end of the season dire?
I think there will be an initial Klippity bounce but a few players will start to look over their shoulders as the rest of the season progresses with a fall off of performance. Hopefully.
I agree with this entirely - it's bollocks to say that the players will do it for him; that's just the fanboy's wish. The fact is that professional players either do it for themselves because they are enjoying it, or they go through the motions, picking up the pay cheque in the knowledge that they're going to outlast the current manager. They are largely self motivated, despite what the fans may wish.
They've had a great 1st half of the season; that can't last forever and they've 3 very big games coming up - Chelsea twice and Arsenal.
Let's hope Cole Palmer does the business - I doubt that Sterling will - he never used to against the dippers.
Seriously, I know some United fans can be proper dickheads but I don't recall any of them reacting like this when Ferguson announced he was retiring. Sure, they were gutted - just as we will be when Pep leaves - but they weren't phoning up radio stations and crying live on air, or penning cringeworthy poems and eulogies.

This is further evidence - as if any more evidence was needed - of a cult at work.
They try so hard to be ''different'' that they end up being a f kin parody - who are these people - surely their pals (if they had any) would disown them. Imagine knowing a pal who did some of this sh*t without irony...laughed out the boozer and the five a side team...jokers with no self-awareness or cool whatsoever.
Seriously, I know some United fans can be proper dickheads but I don't recall any of them reacting like this when Ferguson announced he was retiring. Sure, they were gutted - just as we will be when Pep leaves - but they weren't phoning up radio stations and crying live on air, or penning cringeworthy poems and eulogies.

This is further evidence - as if any more evidence was needed - of a cult at work.
Re. 'Eulogies'.

Last Friday morning, prior to the world-shattering announcement breaking on an unsuspecting, unprepared public, I was at my local swimming pool early doors for the daily constitutional. I caught up with a swim buddy after finishing, asking how he'd gone on at a funeral of one of his family's friends the day before on the Thursday. He spoke of how the whole thing had gone well and how he'd been especially touched by 'the most wonderful urology, (he'd) ever heard at a funeral'

I hadn't the heart to correct his 'malapropism'.

But since hearing of the devastating loss of The Amazingly Dentate One to the Red Scouse 'family' (or should that be 'cult'?), I have been referring to the (as you say) cringeworthy 'urologies' that have been penned by various barmpots as yet further examples of the boiling p*ss that emanates from that part of the city of Liverpool and beyond.

And as others have pointed out on here, Heaven help us all going forward to the end of the season. The hyperbole will be off the scale, for sure, with 'urologies' for the departing The Amazingly Dentate One the like of which will never have been seen before..
David Squires' cartoons tend to be a bit more generous to Liverpool than other teams, but think he's caught the mood with this one. A fitting tribute to the man who "came within a whisker of not being rattled by an Everton ballboy's sarcastic applause"...


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