Liverpool thread

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For sure there will be a media love in for his first game. I don't know the fixtures that weekend but if city v Utd and cheese v arsenal were on at the same time as dippers v whoever MOTD will have them first
I guess that makes us the best league winning title side of all time

Fucking deluded, pompous scouse wankers
Not sure what season they were referring to, the side with Torres , Alonso and Mascherano was actually pretty good but had no depth in the squad.
They will get an initial shot in the arm for free just on the back of Klopp arriving.
Players will want to prove their worth, and the fans will be bouyant. Klopp's only got to mention 'heavy metal' and they'll all go wild.

It'll be a real test for Klopp himself too - since so far, everybody automatically assuming he's going to repeat what he did at Dortmund. People will deny it, but that's what they are secretly believing. Now we'll discover if he really does have something special or not.

I still reckon it's a very good move by Liverpool though. Rodgers was devoid of ideas, and the prospect of Klopp is exciting.
If they can't make it work with Klopp though, then they're in real trouble. This could be their last chance of capturing a highly desired manager for some time if it doesn't work out.
I wonder if the cultists will be lining the streets around Klanfield for his first game. I hope he falls flat on his arse.

Me too mate.nothing against Klopp just the dippers and their pompous self righteous arrogance.You think as it is over 20 years since they won the title they would be a little more humble and realistic but not a fucking chance!
I've never seen such hyperbolic nonsense over a managerial appointment in my life.

Klopp is a top manager but there is no way that his appointment will guarantee Liverpool success. Even if we fucked Pellers off and replaced him with Rodgers, we'd still be better than them.

Firstly, there is much more competition in the PL than the Bundesliga. There are 7 teams vying for a top 4 place and teams like Southampton and West Ham who could easily finish top 6.

Teams have to be consistant and there is no guarantee that Klopps brand of football will work over a full season, especially in a league with no winter break. You could attribute Dortmunds shocking injury record to his style.

Also, there is a shit load of money in the PL. Us, Chelsea, United and Arsenal will still be signing top class talent.
I really do hope that if we get Guardiola, we don't assume he's going to perform miracles in the way many Liverpool fans are with Klopp.
There's nothing wrong with being excited and looking forward to a better man at the helm, but still... surely some degree of level headedness is required. It seems to be in alarmingly short supply at Anfield right now.
Does this make Liverpool more likable at last? Their recent run of managers has been tedious and all to ready to talk about other clubs and take rediculous stances on racism etc.

Give it a week and he will be banging on about Liverpool being the greatest fans in the world, how he's always wanted to manage in the greatest league in the world and a rather predictable pop about billionaire owners.
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