Liverpool thread

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He will definitely improve them, and won't go spending 25m on mid-table players. I can see lots of German/Turkish players joining them and making names for themselves, and the Joe Allen's being farmed out to Burnley. The pace of the PL could take him by surprise, but he has the tactical nous to adapt. I like him, and it's a shame that we have to turn our backs, but that's just the way it is now. All of his eccentricities will be ripped the piss out of from now on.
For me, this 'second coming of the messiah' fawning over Klopp by the fans of the self proclaimed "biggest club in the world" just shows how ordinary a team they have in fact been for some time. A fact their fans have been in denial about despite never winning a Premier League title in their 'istree
Funny how fast the cultise's forget there beloved brenda.
They will win fuck all with that team they have one good player who we will buy next season.
Good manager Klopp, might go as far as to say a great manager, but ultimately a manager can only squeeze so much out of what he's got. He'll not break the top 4 this season as the squad he's inherited simply isn't strong enough to do that, no amount of tactical awareness, or motivational skills, will change that. The telling point will be next summer and how he's backed by FSG. Rumours are the "Transfer Committee" will still be in place, with Klopp replacing Rodgers on it. So, he'll have a degree of say in transfer targets but, as Rodgers discovered with Balotelli, he won't necessarily have final say. It all depends whether the "players with potential" Klopp and the committee sign can be developed, and show more potential, than those signed under Rodgers. Klopp won't be signing the likes of Alexis Sanchez, Kevin De Bruyne or Diego Costa, FSG have already made it pretty clear that proven top level talent comes at a premium they are unwilling to pay. Klopp could steer Liverpool into the top 4 (although I don't think he'll displace one of the current top 4 on a regular basis) but, without the introduction of true top class players to compliment the youth with potential, he'll not get close to a title.
This thread is reading very bitter to me.

It's a great appointment for them, there isn't a manager in the world who's more suited to Liverpool than him at the moment.

I don't think it will change much in the next 12 to 24 months because other clubs are too far ahead of them in England. But if he'd become City's manager over the summer we'd all be creaming our pants!
It's not going to be an easy job, but this might be the season to take it. He 100% has to get into the top 4 this season. If he fails to, he'll have a lot of trouble trying to convince players to sign next Summer.

I think for Milner it's a god-send, but one he may not want. Klopp will run him into the ground, which Jimmy is good at, but it'll be out wide.

I expect Sahko and Kolo to be their centre backs by Christmas too, as he'll want ball playing backs and not lumps like Skrtl and Lovren.

So it turns out the kop cult were right and you never do walk alone. Hodgson now has company in Rodgers. What a bunch of pricks their fans are.
This thread is reading very bitter to me.

It's a great appointment for them, there isn't a manager in the world who's more suited to Liverpool than him at the moment.

I don't think it will change much in the next 12 to 24 months because other clubs are too far ahead of them in England. But if he'd become City's manager over the summer we'd all be creaming our pants!
Really exciting times at Liverpool. I lived in Dortmund for many years and was so impressed by Klopp's passion, his commitment to the club and to the fan, by his brand of football and by the results he got despite having losing key players at regular intervals. Dortmund was always a really exciting team to support. I think Klopp /Liverpool are a really good match, and yes, I'm a bit disappointed because I always thought Klopp/City would be a better match. But it will make for a much better EPL, and hopefully a stronger Liverpool will also put more emotional pressure on the swamp...
Whichever way you look at it, it's a great appointment and quite a coup for Liverpool.

The media sycophany towards him is already nauseating, but he seems a likeable guy. To be honest, I'm just glad he didn't end up at United. Certain members of the press might have self-combusted if that had happened.

It's still going to be a big challenge just to break into the top four, but it's certainly going to make things interesting in the coming years.
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