Liverpool thread

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Whichever way you look at it, it's a great appointment and quite a coup for Liverpool.

The media sycophany towards him is already nauseating, but he seems a likeable guy. To be honest, I'm just glad he didn't end up at United. Certain members of the press might have self-combusted if that had happened.

It's still going to be a big challenge just to break into the top four, but it's certainly going to make things interesting in the coming years.

ya its a brilliant appointment for them punching above their weight. he certainly will take them to the top 4 over the rags or arse. but i am worried he might get a little lucky with transfers or tactics and turn them into title contenders. that would be a big problem.
Good manager Klopp, might go as far as to say a great manager, but ultimately a manager can only squeeze so much out of what he's got. He'll not break the top 4 this season as the squad he's inherited simply isn't strong enough to do that, no amount of tactical awareness, or motivational skills, will change that. The telling point will be next summer and how he's backed by FSG. Rumours are the "Transfer Committee" will still be in place, with Klopp replacing Rodgers on it. So, he'll have a degree of say in transfer targets but, as Rodgers discovered with Balotelli, he won't necessarily have final say. It all depends whether the "players with potential" Klopp and the committee sign can be developed, and show more potential, than those signed under Rodgers. Klopp won't be signing the likes of Alexis Sanchez, Kevin De Bruyne or Diego Costa, FSG have already made it pretty clear that proven top level talent comes at a premium they are unwilling to pay. Klopp could steer Liverpool into the top 4 (although I don't think he'll displace one of the current top 4 on a regular basis) but, without the introduction of true top class players to compliment the youth with potential, he'll not get close to a title.

I think your bang on with that. At Dortmund he never splashed huge sums and he is either an absolute genius in the transfer market or he got extremely lucky. Reus, Lewandowski, Gundagan, hummels etc. None of them cost big money but all turned out to be incredible signings. Compare that to Rogers signings like Allen, Markovic, Lovren, Mario etc, on a different planet.

I think its a great coup for Liverpool and IF he can bring that magic in the transfer market to them they will over the next few years be serious top 4 contenders. Challenging for the league however is on another level but i think it gives them a great chance of getting back to where they want to be.
Herr klopp has spent to much time at the Oktoberfest.

win a title in the next 4yrs.

Yeh right.
So many Liverpool fans saying this is the turning point in their club, shame
Must admit it's indeed a very good piece of business by Liverpool. Than again it is on paper and the future will tell if it's a good match and Klopp is indeed the great manager I think he is. His stats in Germany are fantastic, but over the last two seasons at Dortmund it was clear his work faded somewhat, mostly due to the big stars leaving for Munich.

I never liked a top 4 in the PL seperated from the rest. We saved the onesided way it was and probably Spurs put in their bit as well. It's good for the PL to have so many challengers with the rest making sure you can never have an easy game.

Dortmund under Klopp has outplayed us, but that was a few years back and in the CL where we have been rarely as good as in the PL. And as we hardly ever take something from Anfield, I doubt there's much change as far as we are concerned. Van Gaal hardly brought United foreward regarding the money spent, and even Mourinho hardly looks the right man for Chelsea. That's what football and PL are like.
Liverpool Football Club cannot win an unfair game — where four of the world’s top seven richest teams play in the same league — without divine intervention.

Probably not, but they can sure as shit CREATE an unfair game. Strange how it wasn't unfair until they dropped from the upper echelons, hoisted on their own petard, eh?
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