Liverpool thread

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PMSL... Did anyone see Dalglish on SSN.... Paraphrased, "Liverpool fans should fasten their safety belts, they'll like him - someone who's not in love with himself" Ooops Brendon think that was aimed directly at you!
True, plus Klippety already has teeth like tombstones and is taller than 4 foot six.
What the actual FUCK does that even mean?
An article written with moist eyes and a lump in the throat at the prospect of glory once again.
'You will truly walk with gods,' these scousers don't half love themselves, and consider their team to be the only relevant one on earth.
'Six foot two, eyes of blue.'
(coochy coochy, coochy coo).
Any more talk of the coke-head joining the coaching staff? Also, I think Liverpool have shown themselves as the racists they are by not offering John Barnes the job ahead of klop.
Criticism for being excited about a managerial appointment? Don’t really get that.

If people can’t get excited about shit like this or get their hopes up once in a while around some possible improvements then they might as well pack it in really. I want Liverpool to feel more like a football club again rather than a business that just happens to oversee a football team. It's one step in the right direction for me.

My view is that Liverpool should still be looking to be ‘competitive’ around the top four. Do that consistently and then the hope becomes that everything could potentially fit into place at some point – a big ask in this league in this day and age admittedly, but let’s see – an Athletico Madrid or a Borrusia Dortmund possibly (though in a league with more super-rich clubs, of course).

We got close with Rodgers (or was it Suarez) but since then we’ve been miles away – and everything around the club has become completely flat. Personal view is that Rodgers probably just about warranted a bit longer to turn things around this season – certainly with Sturridge just coming back – but any faith I did have in him had pretty much been eroded away. The key games that did it for me being Real Madrid (Away), the Villa Semi-final and ‘that’ Stoke game last season and United away this time out.

The availability of Klopp meant the decision was pretty much a no-brainer though. Still relatively early in the season and a top four berth isn’t yet beyond the realms of possibility. Klopp is also the first top class manager Liverpool have appointed since Rafa in 2004.

There’s obviously no guarantees that'll he'll do the business here – far from it - but I’m excited to find out if does (and not ashamed to say it either).

Up the Reds.
Unbelievable signing for them. I thought for months all this talk was bollocks but fair play to them, he's a manager way above where Liverpool are at the moment. I imagine United fans are pretty gutted considering the moron they have at the helm. Now it's up to Liverpool to sort out their transfer policy and things could be looking up on Merseyside.
Criticism for being excited about a managerial appointment? Don’t really get that.

If people can’t get excited about shit like this or get their hopes up once in a while around some possible improvements then they might as well pack it in really. I want Liverpool to feel more like a football club again rather than a business that just happens to oversee a football team. It's one step in the right direction for me.

My view is that Liverpool should still be looking to be ‘competitive’ around the top four. Do that consistently and then the hope becomes that everything could potentially fit into place at some point – a big ask in this league in this day and age admittedly, but let’s see – an Athletico Madrid or a Borrusia Dortmund possibly (though in a league with more super-rich clubs, of course).

We got close with Rodgers (or was it Suarez) but since then we’ve been miles away – and everything around the club has become completely flat. Personal view is that Rodgers probably just about warranted a bit longer to turn things around this season – certainly with Sturridge just coming back – but any faith I did have in him had pretty much been eroded away. The key games that did it for me being Real Madrid (Away), the Villa Semi-final and ‘that’ Stoke game last season and United away this time out.

The availability of Klopp meant the decision was pretty much a no-brainer though. Still relatively early in the season and a top four berth isn’t yet beyond the realms of possibility. Klopp is also the first top class manager Liverpool have appointed since Rafa in 2004.

There’s obviously no guarantees that'll he'll do the business here – far from it - but I’m excited to find out if does (and not ashamed to say it either).

Up the Reds.

If Liverpool fans said 'I hope he can improve us and win things again' nobody would moan.
It's when some say 'He's going to' or 'he will' - it's blind faith trying to predict what he'll do and it's THAT that gets people's back up. Plus the 'walking with Gods' hyperbole.

I really do think it's a very good appointment for Liverpool, but that's all Liverpool fans need to say. Extrapolating a good appointment into some Deity on his first day is a bit beyond the pale.

You're absolutely right to be excited though. No harm in that.
He will do well in their eyes but ultimately just make them more solid a proposition for top 4, so kinda a c+ which is neither here nor there
This season he will not do to much with the players they have imo, next season will be the test for him here. Can his super hard pressing/counter style win enough matches or will teams get savvy and totally nullify his main weapon and tactic.

It will be interesting either way, i just don't think he is going to be able to pull ready made stars in as freely as some may think.
So with that the scousers better hope Klopp's team have been on the ball recruiting possible targets whilst he had a few months off.
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