Looking at your ex....

billy_big_spuds said:
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure there's many Bluemooners who have had relationships end for whatever reason, I'm one of them. As i've said before, me and my ex, who I was with for 7 years, have a good post-split relationship, purely for the sake of the kids. It is 4 years this year since we split and in that time she has got married and I am engaged, but just lately I have looked at her and realised that I never actually knew her at all! She signed up to facebook not so long ago and naturally we are friends on it. Her interests are stuff which I never knew anything about, some quite odd things too. Also, all she does is travel the planet too, her honeymoon being something quite fantastic and spreading over 3 continents. She was never ever anything like that when we were together. That is due to different circumstances as obviously we had a young family to focus on, however these days due to us having 50/50 custody of the kids, we have a lot of 'free time', (I hate that tag), so we do things we never got to do when we were together. I look at her though now and don't even recognise her, not in a bad way but just makes you think that maybe if she had been more like she is now, the real her, maybe we wouldn't have felt so trapped in the relationship we were in, (again all due to the pressures of raising a family).

Any of you ever had a similar thing happen? Where you look at an ex you may have kept in contact with and simply don't recognise her/him?

Its quite a weird feeling.
Fuck me mate.
I'm really in two minds of fucking mine off. ahnd you're pushing me the single way.
She's been in a mood for a week now, and this is a tri-monthly cycle where she just makes everyone's life hell, and she's not due on til next week!! Seriously questioning whether I can be arsed putting up with this for the rest of my young life.
I'm 27, and was with my ex for 3 years, and met the current **** whilst with her, and been with her for 4 years. So I've been tied down since I was 20.
The **** moans like fuck about my City love affair, moans about playing on the PS3, moans about me playing footy twice a week, moans that I don't give her money to help her pay bills even though she's on benefits and gets everything paid for, and I've got my own house (where I live) with a mortgage to pay and bills of my own, and moans about everything else.
On top of that, I'm the manager at work, and a good looking lad, so get plenty offers for a shag, and I'd even pay for it if I was desperate, so its not like she's doing me any favours being with me.

And to top it all off, the lads have just booked Ibiza in august, and I'm going on a family holiday to Turkey with her and her kids.

Or am I just being selfish?
Hmmm, that sounds pretty grim mate, to be honest. I'll be upfront and say you live a bit of a single guys like with the things you do there, however if you have no kids of your own it sounds like you don't want to be with anyone who has them either.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
billy_big_spuds said:
Fuck me mate.
I'm really in two minds of fucking mine off. ahnd you're pushing me the single way.
She's been in a mood for a week now, and this is a tri-monthly cycle where she just makes everyone's life hell, and she's not due on til next week!! Seriously questioning whether I can be arsed putting up with this for the rest of my young life.
I'm 27, and was with my ex for 3 years, and met the current **** whilst with her, and been with her for 4 years. So I've been tied down since I was 20.
The **** moans like fuck about my City love affair, moans about playing on the PS3, moans about me playing footy twice a week, moans that I don't give her money to help her pay bills even though she's on benefits and gets everything paid for, and I've got my own house (where I live) with a mortgage to pay and bills of my own, and moans about everything else.
On top of that, I'm the manager at work, and a good looking lad, so get plenty offers for a shag, and I'd even pay for it if I was desperate, so its not like she's doing me any favours being with me.

And to top it all off, the lads have just booked Ibiza in august, and I'm going on a family holiday to Turkey with her and her kids.

Or am I just being selfish?

What exactly attracted you to her then?

Exactly. Fuck her off. Be with someone who actually makes you happy.
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure there's many Bluemooners who have had relationships end for whatever reason, I'm one of them. As i've said before, me and my ex, who I was with for 7 years, have a good post-split relationship, purely for the sake of the kids. It is 4 years this year since we split and in that time she has got married and I am engaged, but just lately I have looked at her and realised that I never actually knew her at all! She signed up to facebook not so long ago and naturally we are friends on it. Her interests are stuff which I never knew anything about, some quite odd things too. Also, all she does is travel the planet too, her honeymoon being something quite fantastic and spreading over 3 continents. She was never ever anything like that when we were together. That is due to different circumstances as obviously we had a young family to focus on, however these days due to us having 50/50 custody of the kids, we have a lot of 'free time', (I hate that tag), so we do things we never got to do when we were together. I look at her though now and don't even recognise her, not in a bad way but just makes you think that maybe if she had been more like she is now, the real her, maybe we wouldn't have felt so trapped in the relationship we were in, (again all due to the pressures of raising a family).

Any of you ever had a similar thing happen? Where you look at an ex you may have kept in contact with and simply don't recognise her/him?

Its quite a weird feeling.

Tell her that you still love her.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
billy_big_spuds said:
Fuck me mate.
I'm really in two minds of fucking mine off. ahnd you're pushing me the single way.
She's been in a mood for a week now, and this is a tri-monthly cycle where she just makes everyone's life hell, and she's not due on til next week!! Seriously questioning whether I can be arsed putting up with this for the rest of my young life.
I'm 27, and was with my ex for 3 years, and met the current **** whilst with her, and been with her for 4 years. So I've been tied down since I was 20.
The **** moans like fuck about my City love affair, moans about playing on the PS3, moans about me playing footy twice a week, moans that I don't give her money to help her pay bills even though she's on benefits and gets everything paid for, and I've got my own house (where I live) with a mortgage to pay and bills of my own, and moans about everything else.
On top of that, I'm the manager at work, and a good looking lad, so get plenty offers for a shag, and I'd even pay for it if I was desperate, so its not like she's doing me any favours being with me.

And to top it all off, the lads have just booked Ibiza in august, and I'm going on a family holiday to Turkey with her and her kids.

Or am I just being selfish?

What exactly attracted you to her then?
She's fit as fuck.
Pure sexual attraction.
But not only that, she did the usual women's 'trick a man to believe they are totally different than they are, then revert back to normal self once the man is in love with you'
But that arse of her's. fuck me, I'd miss it.
billy_big_spuds said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
What exactly attracted you to her then?
She's fit as fuck.
Pure sexual attraction.
But not only that, she did the usual women's 'trick a man to believe they are totally different than they are, then revert back to normal self once the man is in love with you'
But that arse of her's. fuck me, I'd miss it.

Well then you my friend are in a bit of a pickle and i dont mean Branston
Pigeonho said:
billy_big_spuds said:
Fuck me mate.
I'm really in two minds of fucking mine off. ahnd you're pushing me the single way.
She's been in a mood for a week now, and this is a tri-monthly cycle where she just makes everyone's life hell, and she's not due on til next week!! Seriously questioning whether I can be arsed putting up with this for the rest of my young life.
I'm 27, and was with my ex for 3 years, and met the current **** whilst with her, and been with her for 4 years. So I've been tied down since I was 20.
The **** moans like fuck about my City love affair, moans about playing on the PS3, moans about me playing footy twice a week, moans that I don't give her money to help her pay bills even though she's on benefits and gets everything paid for, and I've got my own house (where I live) with a mortgage to pay and bills of my own, and moans about everything else.
On top of that, I'm the manager at work, and a good looking lad, so get plenty offers for a shag, and I'd even pay for it if I was desperate, so its not like she's doing me any favours being with me.

And to top it all off, the lads have just booked Ibiza in august, and I'm going on a family holiday to Turkey with her and her kids.

Or am I just being selfish?
Hmmm, that sounds pretty grim mate, to be honest. I'll be upfront and say you live a bit of a single guys like with the things you do there, however if you have no kids of your own it sounds like you don't want to be with anyone who has them either.
Mate, I love the family life, just not when she's being a ****. But with kid's being involved, its not like I can fuck off for a week, then turn up again when she's calmed down. The kids would be all over the place.
On the subject of the kids, her eldest is nearly 11, and everytime me and her have a tiff, he starts getting involved, so I tell her to stop him, and she just lets him carry on, causing an even bigger arguement.
I think I might just murder her actually, I'm winding myself up writing this.
billy_big_spuds said:
Pigeonho said:
Hmmm, that sounds pretty grim mate, to be honest. I'll be upfront and say you live a bit of a single guys like with the things you do there, however if you have no kids of your own it sounds like you don't want to be with anyone who has them either.
Mate, I love the family life, just not when she's being a ****. But with kid's being involved, its not like I can fuck off for a week, then turn up again when she's calmed down. The kids would be all over the place.
On the subject of the kids, her eldest is nearly 11, and everytime me and her have a tiff, he starts getting involved, so I tell her to stop him, and she just lets him carry on, causing an even bigger arguement.
I think I might just murder her actually, I'm winding myself up writing this.
Ah the old dealing with someone elses kids dilemma. We are there mate at the minute, having barney's because she thinks I let my kids talk to her like shit, which I don't - which she will then admit she's just paranoid! Mad or what? I met an old school friend last week at a party an we clicked like fuck, absolutely just clicked and the girl who's party it was told me the girl I clicked with was 'smitten' with me. That made me doubt alot of shit but then I woke to my senses and realised I have got into a relationship which has resulted in 3 kids, (2 mine 1 hers), all becoming brothers and sisters and the result of me not dealing with our probs head on and splitting up would be catastrophic. My advice is to do what i'm going do to, and that is give it as much as you possibly can before you say to yourself that enough is enough. Meeting that girl questioned my relationship, but its also made me realise how involved it all is and that it needs working on, not just drifting.
Pigeonho said:
billy_big_spuds said:
Mate, I love the family life, just not when she's being a ****. But with kid's being involved, its not like I can fuck off for a week, then turn up again when she's calmed down. The kids would be all over the place.
On the subject of the kids, her eldest is nearly 11, and everytime me and her have a tiff, he starts getting involved, so I tell her to stop him, and she just lets him carry on, causing an even bigger arguement.
I think I might just murder her actually, I'm winding myself up writing this.
Ah the old dealing with someone elses kids dilemma. We are there mate at the minute, having barney's because she thinks I let my kids talk to her like shit, which I don't - which she will then admit she's just paranoid! Mad or what? I met an old school friend last week at a party an we clicked like fuck, absolutely just clicked and the girl who's party it was told me the girl I clicked with was 'smitten' with me. That made me doubt alot of shit but then I woke to my senses and realised I have got into a relationship which has resulted in 3 kids, (2 mine 1 hers), all becoming brothers and sisters and the result of me not dealing with our probs head on and splitting up would be catastrophic. My advice is to do what i'm going do to, and that is give it as much as you possibly can before you say to yourself that enough is enough. Meeting that girl questioned my relationship, but its also made me realise how involved it all is and that it needs working on, not just drifting.
I've given my all for three years and its got me nowhere mate. I seriously think if its the same tonight then I'm off. She has been texting me today though, and seems ok.
Because I'm led by my small head, if she's got stockings and suspenders on when I get to hers, then everything will be rosey again, until another few months when we'll be back to this again.
billy_big_spuds said:
Pigeonho said:
Ah the old dealing with someone elses kids dilemma. We are there mate at the minute, having barney's because she thinks I let my kids talk to her like shit, which I don't - which she will then admit she's just paranoid! Mad or what? I met an old school friend last week at a party an we clicked like fuck, absolutely just clicked and the girl who's party it was told me the girl I clicked with was 'smitten' with me. That made me doubt alot of shit but then I woke to my senses and realised I have got into a relationship which has resulted in 3 kids, (2 mine 1 hers), all becoming brothers and sisters and the result of me not dealing with our probs head on and splitting up would be catastrophic. My advice is to do what i'm going do to, and that is give it as much as you possibly can before you say to yourself that enough is enough. Meeting that girl questioned my relationship, but its also made me realise how involved it all is and that it needs working on, not just drifting.
I've given my all for three years and its got me nowhere mate. I seriously think if its the same tonight then I'm off. She has been texting me today though, and seems ok.
Because I'm led by my small head, if she's got stockings and suspenders on when I get to hers, then everything will be rosey again, until another few months when we'll be back to this again.
We had a massive row last week, culminating in her slapping me. Then when she realised what she'd done she cried, admitted it was her fault, (which it was), and then blamed it on 'hormones'. We took the next day off work and had an 'us' day, went shopping etc, but I was adamant I was going to tell her to move out before we had decided to have that day. She's tried to be handy with her slaps before and I told her then if she tried it on again she' be out. The alternative is to kick her fucking head in, but thankfully i'm not programmed that way. Going to see how the next few months go and take it from there. Wish I hadn't gone to that party though.
billy_big_spuds said:
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure there's many Bluemooners who have had relationships end for whatever reason, I'm one of them. As i've said before, me and my ex, who I was with for 7 years, have a good post-split relationship, purely for the sake of the kids. It is 4 years this year since we split and in that time she has got married and I am engaged, but just lately I have looked at her and realised that I never actually knew her at all! She signed up to facebook not so long ago and naturally we are friends on it. Her interests are stuff which I never knew anything about, some quite odd things too. Also, all she does is travel the planet too, her honeymoon being something quite fantastic and spreading over 3 continents. She was never ever anything like that when we were together. That is due to different circumstances as obviously we had a young family to focus on, however these days due to us having 50/50 custody of the kids, we have a lot of 'free time', (I hate that tag), so we do things we never got to do when we were together. I look at her though now and don't even recognise her, not in a bad way but just makes you think that maybe if she had been more like she is now, the real her, maybe we wouldn't have felt so trapped in the relationship we were in, (again all due to the pressures of raising a family).

Any of you ever had a similar thing happen? Where you look at an ex you may have kept in contact with and simply don't recognise her/him?

Its quite a weird feeling.
Fuck me mate.
I'm really in two minds of fucking mine off. ahnd you're pushing me the single way.
She's been in a mood for a week now, and this is a tri-monthly cycle where she just makes everyone's life hell, and she's not due on til next week!! Seriously questioning whether I can be arsed putting up with this for the rest of my young life.
I'm 27, and was with my ex for 3 years, and met the current **** whilst with her, and been with her for 4 years. So I've been tied down since I was 20.
The **** moans like fuck about my City love affair, moans about playing on the PS3, moans about me playing footy twice a week, moans that I don't give her money to help her pay bills even though she's on benefits and gets everything paid for, and I've got my own house (where I live) with a mortgage to pay and bills of my own, and moans about everything else.
On top of that, I'm the manager at work, and a good looking lad, so get plenty offers for a shag, and I'd even pay for it if I was desperate, so its not like she's doing me any favours being with me.

And to top it all off, the lads have just booked Ibiza in august, and I'm going on a family holiday to Turkey with her and her kids.

Or am I just being selfish?


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