Looking at your ex....

billy_big_spuds said:
Pigeonho said:
I'm sure there's many Bluemooners who have had relationships end for whatever reason, I'm one of them. As i've said before, me and my ex, who I was with for 7 years, have a good post-split relationship, purely for the sake of the kids. It is 4 years this year since we split and in that time she has got married and I am engaged, but just lately I have looked at her and realised that I never actually knew her at all! She signed up to facebook not so long ago and naturally we are friends on it. Her interests are stuff which I never knew anything about, some quite odd things too. Also, all she does is travel the planet too, her honeymoon being something quite fantastic and spreading over 3 continents. She was never ever anything like that when we were together. That is due to different circumstances as obviously we had a young family to focus on, however these days due to us having 50/50 custody of the kids, we have a lot of 'free time', (I hate that tag), so we do things we never got to do when we were together. I look at her though now and don't even recognise her, not in a bad way but just makes you think that maybe if she had been more like she is now, the real her, maybe we wouldn't have felt so trapped in the relationship we were in, (again all due to the pressures of raising a family).

Any of you ever had a similar thing happen? Where you look at an ex you may have kept in contact with and simply don't recognise her/him?

Its quite a weird feeling.
Fuck me mate.
I'm really in two minds of fucking mine off. ahnd you're pushing me the single way.
She's been in a mood for a week now, and this is a tri-monthly cycle where she just makes everyone's life hell, and she's not due on til next week!! Seriously questioning whether I can be arsed putting up with this for the rest of my young life.
I'm 27, and was with my ex for 3 years, and met the current **** whilst with her, and been with her for 4 years. So I've been tied down since I was 20.
The **** moans like fuck about my City love affair, moans about playing on the PS3, moans about me playing footy twice a week, moans that I don't give her money to help her pay bills even though she's on benefits and gets everything paid for, and I've got my own house (where I live) with a mortgage to pay and bills of my own, and moans about everything else.
On top of that, I'm the manager at work, and a good looking lad, so get plenty offers for a shag, and I'd even pay for it if I was desperate, so its not like she's doing me any favours being with me.

And to top it all off, the lads have just booked Ibiza in august, and I'm going on a family holiday to Turkey with her and her kids.

Or am I just being selfish?

slicky202 is that you?

fcuk me mate we live identical lives. apart from you earn more money than me :(
I look at mine and and just think [bigimg]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQuwRnuW1jLkN0baXRzpDiv8uv2xnafh_RYtcxUZEEGdsVP-Z-7Xg[/bigimg]

Even the kids were happy I decided to f*ck her off and were I amazed I stayed around so long.
My ex came into work the other week while I was on the fitting rooms, she was twice the size she was when I finished with her and was pushing round her buggy. Made me think "thank fuck I dodged that bullet"

The thing she was trying on obviously wasnt going to fit her so I almost burst out laughing when she passed it me.
@ Pigeonho

Do you think you're kind of thinking of what could of been with the ex as you're obvioulsly a bit rocky with your current missus? That's how I'm reading it anyway.
I'm with the same bird for four years now and never really got over the big relationship before her until I fell for the current bird. You realise why you split with the ex. I think we look back with nostalgia, especially in rockier moments.
I still love chatting up birds and it's nice when you know a bird would let you nail her, it's all about ego for us lads isn't it.
When our rows have calmed down though, I realsie what I've got.

@ Billy Big spuds
Your missus sounds like she may need some kind of professional help, plenty of people do, it's nothing to be ashamed of. She'd probably kill you if you suggest it but maybe you could have a word with one of her proper mates or a family member? If you're need for is only based on you fancying her then to be honest, you're best of out. A proper relationship means a partnership really, someone you can depend on. I apologise if you think I'm having a go here, I'm certainly not meaning to.
My immediate ex has put on around 4 to 5 stones since I was seeing her some years ago!! It's a reet chuckle fest when I her waddling around town!! All she wears is black!! Still, she gave joint 1st best bj ever!! The only thing I miss!!

My ex from 20 years ago, I hate, but we have kids in common... Plus she has a huge rack now!! She likes to be a b*tch and flaunt them if I need to go see my offspring, which I try to avoid around their house.
Mikem93 said:
My ex came into work the other week while I was on the fitting rooms, she was twice the size she was when I finished with her and was pushing round her buggy. Made me think "thank fuck I dodged that bullet"

The thing she was trying on obviously wasnt going to fit her so I almost burst out laughing when she passed it me.

Was it the awkward silence?
blue_paul said:
@ Billy Big spuds
Your missus sounds like she may need some kind of professional help, plenty of people do, it's nothing to be ashamed of. She'd probably kill you if you suggest it but maybe you could have a word with one of her proper mates or a family member? If you're need for is only based on you fancying her then to be honest, you're best of out. A proper relationship means a partnership really, someone you can depend on. I apologise if you think I'm having a go here, I'm certainly not meaning to.
I agree with you mate.
She had a bit (lot) of a shit upbringing, and already has councelling from this, but the way way she acts is that of an only child, who is used to having everything, rather than the opposite way round.

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