Looks or Personality?

Blue Streak said:
Every now and again a thread comes along on Bluemoon like this and it's a shame. I remember Lucky Tomas a few years back, I also remember the OP's and I myself posted my own tail of woe on here just last summer.

Regarding the actually topic of looks or personality then obviously personality must take priority. But I found someone four years my senior last year who (to me) was the ultimate combination of stunning looks and beautiful personality yet it still didn't work out between us and it's a real regret of mine now that she doesn't speak to me and that doesn't look like changing in the foreseeable future (if at all ever). Hope it works out mate for you and any other Blue feeling a bit glum.
Sorry to hear it didn't work out. "Personality" is perhaps too much of a catch-all term. 'Shared values' and 'chemistry' are to me the most important elements. 'Common interests' also, although you have to really love someone to share ALL interests; that sounds like a rut and a recipe for feeling completely lost if you get separated.
But what has happened since with the OP and the woman?

It's like a soap opera, I just waiting for the next episode.

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