Looks or Personality?

Ragnarok said:
intheknow! said:
Ragnarok said:
Says a lot about women then. Such women dont deserve a good husband/partner.

You can still be a good husband/partner but 'be a man' and not be weak, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying every woman wants a man to dominate or be abusive but at the same time we don't want weaklings or lap dog types. It's a balance.

Sorry if i am being blunt, but that is an extremely shallow outlook.
I find her either incredibly honest or a bit naive. I can't make my mind up which. I do think that one day though, she'll fall for someone and have her heart broken.
2sheikhs said:
Ragnarok said:
intheknow! said:
You can still be a good husband/partner but 'be a man' and not be weak, if you know what I mean. I'm not saying every woman wants a man to dominate or be abusive but at the same time we don't want weaklings or lap dog types. It's a balance.

Sorry if i am being blunt, but that is an extremely shallow outlook.
I find her either incredibly honest or a bit naive. I can't make my mind up which. I do think that one day though, she'll fall for someone and have her heart broken.

Ha ha, I hope not! I only got married less than a year ago, so heartbreak is way way way in the future or (hopefully) not at all x
intheknow! said:
2sheikhs said:
Ragnarok said:
Sorry if i am being blunt, but that is an extremely shallow outlook.
I find her either incredibly honest or a bit naive. I can't make my mind up which. I do think that one day though, she'll fall for someone and have her heart broken.

Ha ha, I hope not! I only got married less than a year ago, so heartbreak is way way way in the future or (hopefully) not at all x
i m suprised he lets you post on here.
Ducado said:
Women despise and I mean despise weakness in a man, nothing turns them off more

No sorry, for me its personal hygiene, i dont even want to know how strong he is if he's unclean or smells
Every now and again a thread comes along on Bluemoon like this and it's a shame. I remember Lucky Tomas a few years back, I also remember the OP's and I myself posted my own tail of woe on here just last summer.

Regarding the actually topic of looks or personality then obviously personality must take priority. But I found someone four years my senior last year who (to me) was the ultimate combination of stunning looks and beautiful personality yet it still didn't work out between us and it's a real regret of mine now that she doesn't speak to me and that doesn't look like changing in the foreseeable future (if at all ever). Hope it works out mate for you and any other Blue feeling a bit glum.
I just love women

Great invention, withouth them how could i get clean socks
Luckily for me Mrs D has a nice even balance - very little of either ;-)
I have been told that I have looks and personality.

But i'm too proud to brag and boast about it.

Ducado is right...women hate weakness, you have to find a happy medium allowing them to display their caring side and leaving them thinking you don't want "Any of that nonsense" when you do.

And for those of you who are wondering what I imply by caring?

It isn't making them stare at you whilst they lick the fluff off your nuts after a trip to the local gin pit.

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