Lost Final Episode

Banned Tosspot said:
I think the writers have a new show about a detective couple but..... I hated Cloverfield so not everything they touch is gold.

I could be wrong but wasn't Cloverfield JJ Abrams?

I know he co created Lost but he left quite soon after the pilot i think, leaving Damon and Carlton to carry the Lost story. I wasn't aware they were coming back so quickly, i got the impression they were doing what the Watchowski brothers did after The Matrix were finished and going into a bit of hiding for a while?
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
I think the writers have a new show about a detective couple but..... I hated Cloverfield so not everything they touch is gold.

I could be wrong but wasn't Cloverfield JJ Abrams?

I know he co created Lost but he left quite soon after the pilot i think, leaving Damon and Carlton to carry the Lost story. I wasn't aware they were coming back so quickly, i got the impression they were doing what the Watchowski brothers did after The Matrix were finished and going into a bit of hiding for a while?
I've been just watching the show so had no clue JJ wasn't on it for 99% of it. Perhaps the cop show is JJ's as well.

I'm drained from Lost but will do it all again on Blu Ray in a few months. First season I watched on TV, the rest was downloads.
Banned Tosspot said:
I've been just watching the show so had no clue JJ wasn't on it for 99% of it. Perhaps the cop show is JJ's as well.

I'm drained from Lost but will do it all again on Blu Ray in a few months. First season I watched on TV, the rest was downloads.

I think he was only involved in the conception of the story and the pilot itself.. i read somewhere Jack was originally meant to die in the pilot too... but i've no idea if thats true.

I'm looking forward to eventually going back and watching in Blu Ray, having done S3 onwards from downloads... Also knowing we're watching Jack's story might help.

Haven't heard about the cop show, i think JJ's got a bit of a habit of doing the same kind of story over and over; Alias, Lost, Star Trek, Cloverfield... they've all got quite a lot in common. I'll have to find out about this cop show.
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
I've been just watching the show so had no clue JJ wasn't on it for 99% of it. Perhaps the cop show is JJ's as well.

I'm drained from Lost but will do it all again on Blu Ray in a few months. First season I watched on TV, the rest was downloads.

I think he was only involved in the conception of the story and the pilot itself.. i read somewhere Jack was originally meant to die in the pilot too... but i've no idea if thats true.

I'm looking forward to eventually going back and watching in Blu Ray, having done S3 onwards from downloads... Also knowing we're watching Jack's story might help.

Haven't heard about the cop show, i think JJ's got a bit of a habit of doing the same kind of story over and over; Alias, Lost, Star Trek, Cloverfield... they've all got quite a lot in common. I'll have to find out about this cop show.
True, Jack was meant to die. They discussed it on a DVD extra but said people would have been 'pissed' with that.




Spotted this fella too ;)
I'll start by saying that I'm a Lost fan !
Lost was great, an original idea executed brilliantly and with great characters that we really came to know and hate to say it love! The storylines and weekly cliffhangers were amazing each answer only produced even more questions. I also felt that enjoying lost was more about the journey than the destination. I believed that the overall story and premise of the show was so good that the ending/explanation would never be good enough. I though there'd be too many holes to pick in it. Only problem with the finale was that they decided not to bother with an explanation of any type. They decided to say that the whole show was based more on the characters and their experiences than the events and the Island itself. They produced the idea that the whole story was based on Jack experience and centricity in the show. They failed to explain some really big fundamental questions that were keeping all of us fans hooked, like what is the Island? What was all the time travelling and talk about constants about? Why did Widmore stage the Oceanic 815 crash? What did the numbers measn, besides been the number of the 'candidates'? Why was Desmond special? How could he travel in time and see the furture in season 4? Whay was Walt special? What was with the kidnapping of all the kids in Season1? Whay did Widmore send the boat and Kimmy to the island to kill everyone then just decide to give up the cause and join jacob? Where did the temple and statue come from? WHO THE F**K WAS ELOISE HAWKINGS? How did she know everything about everything? I could go on all day. I know it's impossible to answer all these questions, but at least they could give us some clues to the big ones!!!
The ending was good and was a total curveball for me. The island was not purgatory but the flash sideways, which was introduced just when the bomb went off at the start of season 6 was purgatory, that editing really threw me. They could have shown the purgatory timeline at any stage in the show but chose to do it then, and I think it was done to distract the audience. In the end it seems that half of season 6, that is the alternate reality (purgatory) timeline was of no consequence to what was happening on the island. It was somethiing that happened when the Island battle was over, Jack was dead and the other losties had grown old and it turn died and went to pugatory. Why bother dedicate half of the final season showing us scenes and storlines of a different later reality that had no impact on the Island story as the characters were at the point allready dead??? Another big problem I have is that the show always alluded to a great 'final battle' which woudl take place on the Island, In the end Smokey was killed with a slap to the face and a single bullet in the back. Hardly fu*in lord of the rings or 300 ist it??

My biggest issue through all of Lost is the following BIG contradiction. The whole premise seems to be that the Island is a magical place full of energy. The island (energy) acts as a mechanism, like a cork in a bottle, to keep evil (smoke monster) bottled up. The smoke monster (smokey) wants to get off the island to wreak havoc but he can only get off if Jacob (the good guy) is killed. Problem is that smokey can't kill Jacob himself because this is a 'rule'. So Smokey needs someone else to kill Jacob on his behalf so he can leave. Simple move is for Jacob to just keep people AWAY the Island, then smokey is trapped as Jacob can't be killed. Instead the whole show is about Jacob bringing people to the Island, one of whom ends up killing Jacob! Bit stupid of Jacob really.

It was an is my favorite show of all time. Only watch sport on TV and a couple of shows this was my favorite. I think they could have done soooo much more with season 6 and the Finale. I have my own idea for an ending that I think beats the shiit out of thiers and actually ties in much better with the Island storyline. Watched Season 3 on download so I'm definitely gonna do the Blu ray pack when it hits the shops.

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