Lost Final Episode

Horrible... We never found out what the island actually was, where the rules come from or what they are, why the fight between Jacob and MiB was on a loop, why the struggle was even happening/relevant.

It seems all along they were in pergutory... But how if you can actually get to the island and live on it?

So the entire events of the past six years didn't matter anyway... I don't understand wha. The point of the show was? I'm not quite what I'm meant to take away from the show?

Maybe I just need a little time for it all to sink in but right now I wish Id never watched past season 1... How did the Losties get off the island and back to the real world before the "we have to go back Kate!" if they were already dead?

Confused... And not in a good way.
You really expected them to answer it all?

That's what happens when a scriptwriter comes up with a concept for a tv show without ever having an ending in mind. Lost became directionless by season three and the writers had tied themselves in knots. Somehow they managed to keep people watching (although with ever depleeting viewers) which was a miracle considering how ridiculous it had become. You only had to read the gibberish that was the story being written about on here. Unlukly guys and gals. Ever feel like you've been ripped off?
I for one got up early to watch this come to its end this morning. Im not going to put anything in that might ruin it for people. i shall be watching it again this evening with the Mrs as she did not want to get up at the un-godly hour to watch the final of the show.
i liked the ending tought it was good. yes it was expected but thats the way it is.
They can not answr all questions and did not expect them to, for the reason that it can arise debate after. Life is not mapped out for us all and we learn as we go along (or at least i hope we do). If we all knew the answers and meaning to life we all may be a little dissapointed so like the ending to the show the same way of thinking.
IMO it has been the best show i have seen, each week not being brill but leading to debate with fellow losties about what happened and what is going to happen?
Im a little sad that it has ended as the concpet for the show was good IMO and wait for another story or show to take its place.
cbeebies is poo said:
I for one got up early to watch this come to its end this morning. Im not going to put anything in that might ruin it for people. i shall be watching it again this evening with the Mrs as she did not want to get up at the un-godly hour to watch the final of the show.
i liked the ending tought it was good. yes it was expected but thats the way it is.
They can not answr all questions and did not expect them to, for the reason that it can arise debate after. Life is not mapped out for us all and we learn as we go along (or at least i hope we do). If we all knew the answers and meaning to life we all may be a little dissapointed so like the ending to the show the same way of thinking.
IMO it has been the best show i have seen, each week not being brill but leading to debate with fellow losties about what happened and what is going to happen?
Im a little sad that it has ended as the concpet for the show was good IMO and wait for another story or show to take its place.

Been shows being produced for the past 5 years that smoke lost like a bag of herbs.........
GStar said:
Horrible... We never found out what the island actually was, where the rules come from or what they are, why the fight between Jacob and MiB was on a loop, why the struggle was even happening/relevant.

It seems all along they were in pergutory... But how if you can actually get to the island and live on it?

So the entire events of the past six years didn't matter anyway... I don't understand wha. The point of the show was? I'm not quite what I'm meant to take away from the show?

Maybe I just need a little time for it all to sink in but right now I wish Id never watched past season 1... How did the Losties get off the island and back to the real world before the "we have to go back Kate!" if they were already dead?

Confused... And not in a good way.
Spoilers (I guess)

It's pretty obvious that when Jack 'woke up' on episode one, he was dead and that everything that happened since was him resisting moving on to heaven (the doors/light in the church)

He went back to the place amongst the bamboo where he 'woke up' at the very end.

People on the flight were the last people he saw so he used them in the resistance. Desmond was someone he met in the past amongst others.

I could be wrong but mates who saw it had exactly the same thoughts.<br /><br />-- Mon May 24, 2010 10:07 am --<br /><br />
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
cbeebies is poo said:
I for one got up early to watch this come to its end this morning. Im not going to put anything in that might ruin it for people. i shall be watching it again this evening with the Mrs as she did not want to get up at the un-godly hour to watch the final of the show.
i liked the ending tought it was good. yes it was expected but thats the way it is.
They can not answr all questions and did not expect them to, for the reason that it can arise debate after. Life is not mapped out for us all and we learn as we go along (or at least i hope we do). If we all knew the answers and meaning to life we all may be a little dissapointed so like the ending to the show the same way of thinking.
IMO it has been the best show i have seen, each week not being brill but leading to debate with fellow losties about what happened and what is going to happen?
Im a little sad that it has ended as the concpet for the show was good IMO and wait for another story or show to take its place.

Been shows being produced for the past 5 years that smoke lost like a bag of herbs.........
Cool, go watch those cop shows then.
Banned Tosspot said:
Spoilers (I guess)

It's pretty obvious that when Jack 'woke up' on episode one, he was dead and that everything that happened since was him resisting moving on to heaven (the doors/light in the church)

He went back to the place amongst the bamboo where he 'woke up' at the very end.

People on the flight were the last people he saw so he used them in the resistance. Desmond was someone he met in the past amongst others.

I could be wrong but mates who saw it had exactly the same thoughts.

Thats what i thought they were tring to say, especially at the end... that basically only Jack mattered, everyone else was a piece in his 'game' to get into 'heaven'.

What i don't get is how he got off the island in season 3? If he's dead how did he get round and interact with the 'real world'? How did Dharma/the freighter/and everyone else who came to the island get there if it was some form test for Jack? Were they real?

Think i need to watch it again, but right now i'm not too sure what to make of it, it really doesn't seem to make sense.
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
Spoilers (I guess)

It's pretty obvious that when Jack 'woke up' on episode one, he was dead and that everything that happened since was him resisting moving on to heaven (the doors/light in the church)

He went back to the place amongst the bamboo where he 'woke up' at the very end.

People on the flight were the last people he saw so he used them in the resistance. Desmond was someone he met in the past amongst others.

I could be wrong but mates who saw it had exactly the same thoughts.

Thats what i thought they were tring to say, especially at the end... that basically only Jack mattered, everyone else was a piece in his 'game' to get into 'heaven'.

What i don't get is how he got off the island in season 3? If he's dead how did he get round and interact with the 'real world'? How did Dharma/the freighter/and everyone else who came to the island get there if it was some form test for Jack? Were they real?

Think i need to watch it again, but right now i'm not too sure what to make of it, it really doesn't seem to make sense.
Just his 'dead' imagination.

I'd like to think that the writers had this ending from the start but I think it was a cop out. I think they got carried away with it halfway through and then realised they couldn't explain it all.

Good/bad, it's been a great ride.
Just finished watching it. Recorded it over night. It was absolutely amazing! I had a guess what would happen and was way off.

A few tears came to my eyes a good few times. Sad it's over now.
To be fair I now have more questions than answers after watching the end .

Has anybody else noticed the similarity in the endings with Lost and Ashes to Ashes ?

Also just how gorgeous did Kate look at the end !!!!!

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