Lost Final Episode

I enjoyed it, although I do agree with some of the posters on here that the producers got "Lost" around series 3. Still, it was great bit of escapism and all the questions were never going to be answered. I couldn't take my eyes off the tv for all the time it was on but I can understand that some people wouldn't like it. I'm going to miss it !
Banned Tosspot said:
GStar said:
Horrible... We never found out what the island actually was, where the rules come from or what they are, why the fight between Jacob and MiB was on a loop, why the struggle was even happening/relevant.

It seems all along they were in pergutory... But how if you can actually get to the island and live on it?

So the entire events of the past six years didn't matter anyway... I don't understand wha. The point of the show was? I'm not quite what I'm meant to take away from the show?

Maybe I just need a little time for it all to sink in but right now I wish Id never watched past season 1... How did the Losties get off the island and back to the real world before the "we have to go back Kate!" if they were already dead?

Confused... And not in a good way.
Spoilers (I guess)

It's pretty obvious that when Jack 'woke up' on episode one, he was dead and that everything that happened since was him resisting moving on to heaven (the doors/light in the church)

He went back to the place amongst the bamboo where he 'woke up' at the very end.

People on the flight were the last people he saw so he used them in the resistance. Desmond was someone he met in the past amongst others.

I could be wrong but mates who saw it had exactly the same thoughts.

-- Mon May 24, 2010 10:07 am --

Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Been shows being produced for the past 5 years that smoke lost like a bag of herbs.........
Cool, go watch those cop shows then.

cop shows? its right what they say, you are a tit.
Banned Tosspot said:
Just his 'dead' imagination.

I'd like to think that the writers had this ending from the start but I think it was a cop out. I think they got carried away with it halfway through and then realised they couldn't explain it all.

Good/bad, it's been a great ride.

I agree... i have a feeling thier original plot was guessed on one of the fansites sometime in the second season and they eventually panicked and came up with this.

It's been a fantastic ride... i don't think i'll ever tire of season 1.
GStar said:
Banned Tosspot said:
Just his 'dead' imagination.

I'd like to think that the writers had this ending from the start but I think it was a cop out. I think they got carried away with it halfway through and then realised they couldn't explain it all.

Good/bad, it's been a great ride.

I agree... i have a feeling thier original plot was guessed on one of the fansites sometime in the second season and they eventually panicked and came up with this.

It's been a fantastic ride... i don't think i'll ever tire of season 1.
Why, What was their original plot ?
They might as well have woke up and it was all a dream. What a load of shit, I'm glad I fucked it off early on.
they didnt all die in the plane crash and the island was real.. as jacks dad said at the end, they all lived their lives, some died on the island and others lived to be old. the alt reality was purgatory, which they all went to after they lived their lives.. they couldnt pass on from this purgatory until the were redeemed.. once they were redeemed they remembered that they died and were able to pass on to heaven..
Never understood the fascination with Lost. I started watching the first season and quickly fucked it off.

I find it hard having to agree with Zin as it's against my religion, but he's right, there's been tons of better shows produced in recent years...
everything that happened, happened. They were all alive on the island, but as christian shephard said "everyone dies", some before jack, some after. Then the flash sideways was purgatory created by them so that they could all meet, as the time they all spent together was the most important parts of each of their lives. Then they all "let go" and moved on from purgatory into the light. Which is why ben said he wasn't ready.

Science, mythology, religion all into one!

If you didn't like the ending, I suggest you watch Jimmy Kimmel Live from last night, it was a lost special, the cast and crew were on there and it showed THREE alternate endings.
Ireland Haroo said:
everything that happened, happened. They were all alive on the island, but as christian shephard said "everyone dies", some before jack, some after. Then the flash sideways was purgatory created by them so that they could all meet, as the time they all spent together was the most important parts of each of their lives. Then they all "let go" and moved on from purgatory into the light. Which is why ben said he wasn't ready.

Science, mythology, religion all into one!

If you didn't like the ending, I suggest you watch Jimmy Kimmel Live from last night, it was a lost special, the cast and crew were on there and it showed THREE alternate endings.


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