Lost Prophets.

I reckon he'd welcome death at the moment, a good reason why these people should be kept alive and made to suffer.
Trust me the mind can put you through more horror than death ever could.
Blumers Bloomers said:
Couldn't even read the whole article - even worse is the fact that one of the children's mother helped?????
I stopped reading at that point too
How on earth could a mother be involved in that.
Sick ****. Maybe he's only pleaded attempted rape as he physically couldn't do it, as sick as that sounds. As for the mother of the child she clearly must have mental health issues or even more scary that this is potentially the dark side to celebrity obsession and how far people potentially might go to please these people.
dan.j.mcfc said:
Prison sentences ALONE, are not very effective in stopping this kinda thing. I mean, surely its a mental illness? Just because he's going to be locked in a cell for a few years, its not going to stop him being sexually attracted to minors is it? I'm talking here about the crime of being a paedophile, not being a rapist, which should obviously demand a hefty sentence and particularly more so if carried out on a minor. I will probably get slaughtered on here for saying it but, I personally don't believe its a conscious choice that someone chooses to be a paedophile, just like homosexuals don't just decide to start finding the same sex attractive, its always there in their mind, from birth maybe? through traumatic experiences? For me paedophiles need serious mental help, not ONLY locking in cells.

PS I'm not a nonce sympathiser, I'm more concerned for their future victims when they get out and re offend. I'm not sure of any particular statistics, but I'd bet a fair number of them don't suddenly stop being paedophiles when they get out of jail.

Seems a fair point of view, it seems to be incurable however it is not uncontrollable
I got "Liberation Transmission" for my 12th Birthday. This makes me feel sick. I feel sorry for the other guys in the band, they and the band will forever be associated with this guy. I hope the twat gets bummed in the prison showers
paedophilia is treatable as a mental disorder but he's clearly not 'mentally ill'. delusional on his sense of entitlement and power, yes (not to mention earth shattering amounts of cocaine that he voluntarily stuffed up his nose), but it's not like he has schizophrenia or anything that means he couldn't act and think normally. he might not even be attracted to children or infants, just have been getting off on the power and deviancy of the whole thing.
Summerbuzz said:
paedophilia is treatable as a mental disorder but he's clearly not 'mentally ill'. delusional on his sense of entitlement and power, yes (not to mention earth shattering amounts of cocaine that he voluntarily stuffed up his nose), but it's not like he has schizophrenia or anything that means he couldn't act and think normally. he might not even be attracted to children or infants, just have been getting off on the power and deviancy of the whole thing.

You have just described a form of mental illness! It's certainley not the behaviour of someone who is sane
The one thing I'm unsure of is, being his band mates and them living together on tour and knowing each other very well, how the others knew nothing about it.

I'm not saying the others in the band did knew it went on, but he did well to hide it from what is essentially his family.

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