Lost Prophets.

They've accepted his plea that he "attempted" rape but didnt actually rape. There is a video showing him doing it, but theyve accepted the attempted please to spare the jury seeing the video as there is no difference in sentence. Thats what it seems anyway
Prison sentences ALONE, are not very effective in stopping this kinda thing. I mean, surely its a mental illness? Just because he's going to be locked in a cell for a few years, its not going to stop him being sexually attracted to minors is it? I'm talking here about the crime of being a paedophile, not being a rapist, which should obviously demand a hefty sentence and particularly more so if carried out on a minor. I will probably get slaughtered on here for saying it but, I personally don't believe its a conscious choice that someone chooses to be a paedophile, just like homosexuals don't just decide to start finding the same sex attractive, its always there in their mind, from birth maybe? through traumatic experiences? For me paedophiles need serious mental help, not ONLY locking in cells.

PS I'm not a nonce sympathiser, I'm more concerned for their future victims when they get out and re offend. I'm not sure of any particular statistics, but I'd bet a fair number of them don't suddenly stop being paedophiles when they get out of jail.
Out the back and a bullet through the fuckers head.

He wont touch another poor child again and we wont have to pay to keep the dirty **** either.
dan.j.mcfc said:
Prison sentences ALONE, are not very effective in stopping this kinda thing. I mean, surely its a mental illness? Just because he's going to be locked in a cell for a few years, its not going to stop him being sexually attracted to minors is it? I'm talking here about the crime of being a paedophile, not being a rapist, which should obviously demand a hefty sentence and particularly more so if carried out on a minor. I will probably get slaughtered on here for saying it but, I personally don't believe its a conscious choice that someone chooses to be a paedophile, just like homosexuals don't just decide to start finding the same sex attractive, its always there in their mind, from birth maybe? through traumatic experiences? For me paedophiles need serious mental help, not ONLY locking in cells.

PS I'm not a nonce sympathiser, I'm more concerned for their future victims when they get out and re offend. I'm not sure of any particular statistics, but I'd bet a fair number of them don't suddenly stop being paedophiles when they get out of jail.

I am not sure you can make a passive thought by a paedophile any more than the concept of a moral "thought-crime"

Yes, you are right in some respects. There is a website called "Viped" for Virtous Paedophiles who hate being attracted to children and basically act as a support group to stop anybody who joins ever carrying out their perversions.

This Video is also some what interesting, and relevant to the issues you discussed.

blueinsa said:
Out the back and a bullet through the fuckers head.

He wont touch another poor child again and we wont have to pay to keep the dirty **** either.

Watkins comes off as a particularly depraved individual who used his position of relative power. I'm not normally one for this type of "justice" but yeah - in his case I'd make the exception and just put the fucker down. I can't read anymore than the little bits I've read. It really does make me physically sick and absolutely horrified for the poor children involved.
BillyShears said:
blueinsa said:
Out the back and a bullet through the fuckers head.

He wont touch another poor child again and we wont have to pay to keep the dirty **** either.

Watkins comes off as a particularly depraved individual who used his position of relative power. I'm not normally one for this type of "justice" but yeah - in his case I'd make the exception and just put the fucker down. I can't read anymore than the little bits I've read. It really does make me physically sick and absolutely horrified for the poor children involved.

I forgot to add the women involved as well mate.

You ever work with or come across this odious **** during work mate?
blueinsa said:
BillyShears said:
blueinsa said:
Out the back and a bullet through the fuckers head.

He wont touch another poor child again and we wont have to pay to keep the dirty **** either.

Watkins comes off as a particularly depraved individual who used his position of relative power. I'm not normally one for this type of "justice" but yeah - in his case I'd make the exception and just put the fucker down. I can't read anymore than the little bits I've read. It really does make me physically sick and absolutely horrified for the poor children involved.

I forgot to add the women involved as well mate.

You ever work with or come across this odious **** during work mate?

Sadly yes ... but not directly. They were signed to Sony/Columbia when I went to work there. All I remember of them is that a) I always thought their music was shit so refused to partake in any discussions about their career AND b) he had a reputation for being ... well just for being a bit of a wrong 'un. Don't think even in my wildest dreams I could've imagined just how fucking wrong he'd turn out to be.
CTID1988 said:
They've accepted his plea that he "attempted" rape but didnt actually rape. There is a video showing him doing it, but theyve accepted the attempted please to spare the jury seeing the video as there is no difference in sentence. Thats what it seems anyway

The right decision, no one should be made to watch that video.

I hope he dies a slow painful death whoever he is, what's the chances of him topping himself.
allan harper said:
CTID1988 said:
They've accepted his plea that he "attempted" rape but didnt actually rape. There is a video showing him doing it, but theyve accepted the attempted please to spare the jury seeing the video as there is no difference in sentence. Thats what it seems anyway

The right decision, no one should be made to watch that video.

I hope he dies a slow painful death whoever he is, what's the chances of him topping himself.

He was on suicide watch in the build up to the trial, so pretty high!
This 'man' and the women are about the same as Brady and Hindley. Nothing can ever change them and if they get out (which they will) no child will be safe.
Paedophilia can never be right but a one year old child is beyond 'normal' paedophilia. The sick fucks should be locked away forever. The portion of my tax that keeps them inside will be the one bit of tax I don't begrudge paying.

I await the sentence. May it be a long one.

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