Lost Prophets.

Taken from the BBC article <a class="postlink" href="http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25108439" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25108439</a>

"Watkins sent a text to one of the women saying: "If you belong to me, so does your baby."

In an exchange involving the other woman, she sent Watkins a message along with an image of her child to the effect that her child needed to know she was not loved.

Watkins also planned to "teach" the babies how to take drugs, the hearing was told."

Thats dark
Never knew about the baby rape stuff, there's some sick and warped people about. Hope he's locked away for a long long time.
dan.j.mcfc said:
Prison sentences ALONE, are not very effective in stopping this kinda thing. I mean, surely its a mental illness? Just because he's going to be locked in a cell for a few years, its not going to stop him being sexually attracted to minors is it? I'm talking here about the crime of being a paedophile, not being a rapist, which should obviously demand a hefty sentence and particularly more so if carried out on a minor. I will probably get slaughtered on here for saying it but, I personally don't believe its a conscious choice that someone chooses to be a paedophile, just like homosexuals don't just decide to start finding the same sex attractive, its always there in their mind, from birth maybe? through traumatic experiences? For me paedophiles need serious mental help, not ONLY locking in cells.

PS I'm not a nonce sympathiser, I'm more concerned for their future victims when they get out and re offend. I'm not sure of any particular statistics, but I'd bet a fair number of them don't suddenly stop being paedophiles when they get out of jail.

You certainly won't get slaughtered on here by me, because you talk a lot of sense.
Far more than some on here who like to masquerade as fair-minded and reasonable folk when it suits, but reach for the rope and join the lynch mob when shit gets serious.
Watkins will probably get the indeterminate sentence he deserves, and I very much doubt he will see freedom again.
Can we bring back capital punishment for scum like this, admitted his guilt lets just put him down
CTID1988 said:
They've accepted his plea that he "attempted" rape but didnt actually rape. There is a video showing him doing it, but theyve accepted the attempted please to spare the jury seeing the video as there is no difference in sentence. Thats what it seems anyway

Honestly thank fuck for that.

Once you see something it cannot be unseen. For a start I reckon I would be physically sick but having to watch anything like that would give me nightmares and mentally scar me.

Even the term 'baby rape' sends a shudder through me.
CTID1988 said:
They've accepted his plea that he "attempted" rape but didnt actually rape. There is a video showing him doing it, but theyve accepted the attempted please to spare the jury seeing the video as there is no difference in sentence. Thats what it seems anyway

Why would you plea "attempted" rape if you knew a video existed of you actually committing the rape?

Not disputing what you are saying at all, just wondering. Fucking horrific whatever happened.

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