Lowering ourselves to their standards, I say Fu@k um

LCBblue said:
ssg2 said:
I'd probably laugh at you for singing in my face to start with...
And we all laugh at you every time you post for being an ignorant red bastard with over 700 posts on your rivals main forum.

Fuck off please.
laugh away, most of my posts have been about my lad and i've been sidetracked when i've seen a united post, its hardly fucking rocket science is it? If i was on here winding you up or giving you shit I could understand your point
ssg2 said:
LCBblue said:
And we all laugh at you every time you post for being an ignorant red bastard with over 700 posts on your rivals main forum.

Fuck off please.
laugh away, most of my posts have been about my lad and i've been sidetracked when i've seen a united post, its hardly fucking rocket science is it? If i was on here winding you up or giving you shit I could understand your point

Oh dear. Just go, as to not embarrass yourself any further.

ssg2 said:
jrb said:
Agree 100% with the OP.

I've had shit for decades(42 now) and it really pisses me off when the PC lot on here say, "Let's not lower ourselves to their level." Please! Are you lot mad? They deserve everything that's coming to them.

Want an example? I work in TP and the place is full of Rags.

One of their usual songs is.(last season)

"We've paid for your home.........
"What a waste of money.........
"We've paid for your home."


I've made up a reply for next season.

"We'll pay of your loans.......
"we'll pay of your loooo-oans.......
"what a waste of money.......
We'll pay off your loans."

Let's see how they handle that? ;-)
I'd probably laugh at you for singing in my face to start with...

I couldn't give a shit if you did.(arf!) Gone are the days when the Rags had a free run at City and me.

The debt is their achilles heel and they have no answer to it. So unlike you, I will hammer them next season even more. And while I'm laughing at them, I'll be thinking of you, just taking the shit. I take it you've got a backbone?
Top class banter there LC, you should be proud of your achievements
jrb said:
ssg2 said:
I'd probably laugh at you for singing in my face to start with...

I couldn't give a shit if you did.(arf!) Gone are the days when the Rags had a free run at City/me.

The debt is their achilles' heel and they have no answer to it. So unlike you, I will hammer them next season even more. And while I'm laughing at them, I'll be thinky of you, just taking the shit. I take it you've go a backbone?

Because there is no answer but at the same time its nothing to mock until we go under or drop out of the top 4 and are no longer contenders for every trophy out there......when that day arrives you can mock all you want.
As for a backbone, i don't need to prove my worth to someone on an internet forum, would it make you feel better if I told you i'd rip your throat out or would you prefer me to tell you i'm shaking with fear incase you and your sidekick post another poster of a star trek guy?
LCBblue said:
ssg2 said:
Top class banter there LC, you should be proud of your achievements

Thanks, I didn't notice a single hint of sarcasm in your answer, so I will be proud.

Do one.
Can I have one more hilarious poster before I leave?
ssg2 said:
jrb said:
I couldn't give a shit if you did.(arf!) Gone are the days when the Rags had a free run at City/me.

The debt is their achilles' heel and they have no answer to it. So unlike you, I will hammer them next season even more. And while I'm laughing at them, I'll be thinky of you, just taking the shit. I take it you've go a backbone?

Because there is no answer but at the same time its nothing to mock until we go under or drop out of the top 4 and are no longer contenders for every trophy out there......when that day arrives you can mock all you want.
As for a backbone, i don't need to prove my worth to someone on an internet forum, would it make you feel better if I told you i'd rip your throat out or would you prefer me to tell you i'm shaking with fear incase you and your sidekick post another poster of a star trek guy?
why dont you go forward and multiply and fuck off to red cafe

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