Petrovs left peg said:Having read the OP and glanced through some of the responses I am not sure why more don't agree with GX's idea.
It is almost like the CL pot coefficient seeding's (which many arguing against GX are totally against on other threads) - as it maintains the Status Quo! (YEs we have a fucking Ticket Cartel as well!!!)
A longer period is suggested by GX of ten years. It seems totally fair and in the interest of younger fans.
The current system has worked so far because we are only a decade into it. In ten years time a young lad would start with Zero and some people may be on 25,000 points - If the "25,000 pointer" stops going for 15 years he will probably still have more points than someone who has attended every game for the last 15 years.
The point is that the older this scheme gets the "less fair" it has the POSSIBILITY to become. A rolling scheme over ten years will keep the most loyal at the top if they are still going.
The solution will be for the club to start upping the amount of points per game / season ticket etc. e.g 1000 per cup scheme and 100 per game rather than adjust the system as it is. That way the "inactive high pointers" will get caught in a fairer amount of time rather than after 20 years of inactivity.
This is the way to go and shouldn't get lost in a thread of a number of ideas. The only change to this IMO would be a rolling scheme over 5 years rather than 10