Ding Dong said:
So in affect the branch uses tickets with points on to obtain tickets for there branch, then those tickets can be given to anyone, then owner of said tickets can used it again to get themselves a ticket should they not get one from the branch even though there ticket has been submitted by the branch to get a branch allocation !!!
Very confusing and have been given many different versions when asked about it b4, puts me off joining a branch...
Know I may sound dumb but just for clarification ,
if I joined a branch would I have to declare my ticket ?
( i have a good few points on it ) the branch would then use my ticket to obtain tickets for the branch and give them to whomever they seen fit, (posable not me,)?
would I still be able to use my ticket again to get a ticket even though the branch has used my ticket to get there allocation ?
No it's the same question as above but just want to clarify as I wouldn't want to joins a branch, have them use my ticket then give it to someone else leaving me unable to use when it gets to my criteria