Lu Martin: Allegedly Guardiola sees City as "small club"


I'm sick to the back teeth of us being told this.

Sick to the back teeth of the frankly-a-bit-creepy let's copy every last thing about Barcelona.

Sick to death of the forlock tugging. Mustn't criticise the owners, or the manager, or they will leave us. Must always appear grateful.

We have an identity. The gallows humour is misunderstood. It comes from a trait central to Manchester City fans - we revel in idiosyncracy - not negativity.
Wow some people need to get a grip with what is being written all over the press and on the so called pundit shows at the moment. Do people not understand that it will be reported in a way that creates sensation and clicks etc.

People will read a story and see it in a different way, if you are looking for negatives all the time you will see it as a negative piece. My take on this is that Pep is saying our European history is in no way that of Liverpool or United at present, especially since the birth of the premiership and champions league

We have a rich history that dates back to how we were founded. But if you look at our recent european history we are still new. We were never constantly in europe therefore we were never exposed to oversee fans who watched on TV - that is what he is referring to imo
Wow some people need to get a grip with what is being written all over the press and on the so called pundit shows at the moment. Do people not understand that it will be reported in a way that creates sensation and clicks etc.

People will read a story and see it in a different way, if you are looking for negatives all the time you will see it as a negative piece. My take on this is that Pep is saying our European history is in no way that of Liverpool or United at present, especially since the birth of the premiership and champions league

We have a rich history that dates back to how we were founded. But if you look at our recent european history we are still new. We were never constantly in europe therefore we were never exposed to oversee fans who watched on TV - that is what he is referring to imo
I just read his comments and that is exactly how I took them. All he is saying is that we don't have the history of being a club this size for long. You can't argue that we have the pedigree in European football that Barca, real, Bayern, and united have. Those are facts, but it doesn't make us any less of a club. Hopefully within 5-10 years of consistent success at the champions league level we will be up there
I ascribe to the view that what other people say about you is none of your business.
I just read his comments and that is exactly how I took them. All he is saying is that we don't have the history of being a club this size for long. You can't argue that we have the pedigree in European football that Barca, real, Bayern, and united have. Those are facts, but it doesn't make us any less of a club. Hopefully within 5-10 years of consistent success at the champions league level we will be up there

exactly but he is not saying that it makes us any less of a club, all he is getting at is that we dont have the european experience and exposure since the birth of the champions league when it was started to be beamed around the world.

It is a non comment again spun to create a nice little headline for some wank journo
Pep was wrong in my opinion to make this comparison, he should just focus on the present and future by winning " The next game " and try to win the " current" titles.
I couldn't give two hoots if we were the biggest club in the world or the size of Dulwich Hamlet FC. The only people who care about this entirely meaningless and subjective concept are rags and dippers, as it gives them a warm fuzzy to imagine that they're the biggestest and most importantest club in the world. For most of them the team they support is only a de facto penis extension anyway, as befits the bunch of twats and social misfits that they unquestionably are

Spot on.

On Radio 5 Live a Burnley fan was banging on about how we want to be a big as the rags and we'll never do it, he couldn't be more wrong! In all my years I've never once heard a City fan go on about how they want City to be a "Big Club" let alone as big as the rags (god save us from that!) it just doesn't feature on our radar at all, yet fans of other clubs see it as our main driving force, it's bollocks. I love my club, I loved her when the football was dire (admittedly it's easier to love her now the football is exciting and without Pearce on the touchline) but to the fans of other clubs who chant at us "where were you when you were shit?" ... The answer is simple....we were here.
I couldn't give two hoots if we were the biggest club in the world or the size of Dulwich Hamlet FC. The only people who care about this entirely meaningless and subjective concept are rags and dippers, as it gives them a warm fuzzy to imagine that they're the biggestest and most importantest club in the world. For most of them the team they support is only a de facto penis extension anyway, as befits the bunch of twats and social misfits that they unquestionably are
It does affect us though. We get bad decisions, and bad press because we are the noisy neighbours,
It does affect us though. We get bad decisions, and bad press because there is an agenda against us , as we pose a threat to the FA favoutites and their status quo .

I have expanded your post a little,

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