Lucy Letby infant murders trial - Guilty verdict (P 13)

Depressing that if you work in the same location in the justice system for long enough you will invariably see the children of those you have previously dealt with.

I'm not sure that I agree with the analysis that we don't have the money, I just don't think we have the political will and vision to try something different. The economic cost of trying (and mostly failing) to fix things when they break is often multiples of the cost of stopping it breaking in the first place. The problem is that upfront investment to stop something that 'might' become fucked up is a much harder 'sell' than spending money to fix something that is clearly fucked up. One of many cognitive biases we have.

Back to Letby but on the subject of cognitive biases I read something that said our traditional views of gender norms (women = nurturing etc) make it easier for a female serial killer to go undetected for longer. Add in our perception of nurses as caring and that compounds the problem further which along with opportunity that the role provides is why a hugely disproportionate number of female serial killers are nurses.

That last sentence is a key one. It’s not just the opportunity to carry out the act, it’s for the act to not be detected easily too.

Depends on what angle you think about it from.

It makes perfect sense that women with murderous intent would pursue those professions. They have access to easy victims.

Just like a nonce becoming a priest/vicar or scout leader.
It’s exactly like that, apart from the fact that in 2023 the cover of being a female nurse is far more effective than being a male scout leader!
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She got away with it for many reasons which are now starting to come out in the wash. Shamefully mainly because senior managers refused to believe professional doctors opinions and thought brushing it all under the carpet was better for the trust and maintaining their cash flow, which would have been severely hindered if it had all come out. I hope they now have to pay too, their actions, or lack of them, cost innocent lives.

Absolutely horrendous mate. It's weird I sometimes glance at these serial killer shite on Netflix and don't batter an eyelid but this seems to bother me more. I think having a child in a hospital and you have your trust in them 100%. When my kid was born, they were taken away for shots, measurements or whatever the fuck they do, you don't question it, you don't think are they in safe hands, it's the only ones in the world you'd have trust in full stop. That's just the ones giving birth, having your child spending over night or long term medical care you wouldn't think twice if it's safe then shit like this happens.

I dunno what went though her mind, psychcopath? Sociopath? Arousal about killing? Power trip? I don't know what it is but it's pretty grim. Its like the opposite end of the spectrum of Shipman, babies instead of biddies
Absolutely horrendous mate. It's weird I sometimes glance at these serial killer shite on Netflix and don't batter an eyelid but this seems to bother me more. I think having a child in a hospital and you have your trust in them 100%. When my kid was born, they were taken away for shots, measurements or whatever the fuck they do, you don't question it, you don't think are they in safe hands, it's the only ones in the world you'd have trust in full stop. That's just the ones giving birth, having your child spending over night or long term medical care you wouldn't think twice if it's safe then shit like this happens.

I dunno what went though her mind, psychcopath? Sociopath? Arousal about killing? Power trip? I don't know what it is but it's pretty grim. Its like the opposite end of the spectrum of Shipman, babies instead of biddies

That's why when such incidents happen the anger is so much stronger, because it hits home harder and makes us all feel vulnerable. No matter how independent and strong we all are, there are times we have no choice but to entrust ours or our loved ones lives to others. That is stressful enough without fearing the people entrusted with that responsibility cannot be trusted. Thankfully such incidents are rare, at least we hope they are. It's all we can do, hope, because like it or lump it we have no choice but to trust such people sometimes in our lives.

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