Lunatics on the Metro.

Not right here in Manchester mate.
The first ever rail journey that you refer to was the Rainhill trials where entrant locomotives were assessed for their fitness to operate on a length of track being built to run between Manchester and Dipperpool.

Stephenson’s Rocket was actually built in Newcastle and Rainhill wasn’t “right here in Manchester” it was miles away in a far flung corner of Lancashire that’s now part of Merseyside.
Manchester claimed the glory, and that's all I care about!!! :)
I've used it a lot over the years. Find buses much worse. Not that anything has really stopped me using public transport.

As a non driver I have no choice but to use public transport. It can be a particularly unpleasant journey if stuck with some yobs or a drunk. Nothing may happen but the implied threat is there until you or they get off.
As a non driver I have no choice but to use public transport. It can be a particularly unpleasant journey if stuck with some yobs or a drunk. Nothing may happen but the implied threat is there until you or they get off.
I'm a non driver too. Think it might be easier for me than yourself because I'm a woman in her 50s so you tend to be "invisible" at times. Unfortunately this also applies to other things, like getting served a drink at a pub bar! ;-)
I was walking close to the Arndale on Corporation st the other day and this black bloke whilst cycling was screaming "What's up, haven't you ever seen a black man on a bike before" and as he peddled he just kept repeating it
He cycled past me shouting and then he caught up with two young black lads who were walking along just in front of me, and halfway through his shouting, these lads turned round, looked at him, he looked at them and then he shut up for about twenty yards and then started shouting again
It was so bizarre

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