Lying police

Newlunar said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Absolute and utter bollocks.
Firstly,we are talking about currently serving police constables,not some scenario in the dim and distant future,and you writing FACT with your Caps Lock on is no substitute for actually having some evidence to back up your theory.
Most coppers are not graduates,and the Chief Pig having some Martin Luther King dream about what he would like to see means exactly fuck all,as he knows that most people who graduate will not go within a million miles of being a plod,as they have no desire to walk the mean streets in the rain, beating up this weeks hated minority group,when they could be doing something more rewarding.
Like anything else.
A vocational degree means nothing - it amounts to some token bit of paper to prove that some dullard slept through a couple of lectures at police academy,probably in how to plant evidence,or force a confession.
Like American colleges give to those who can run very fast,but are thick as pigshit.
You are obviously a fan of the police,and are entitled to your opinion.
But you have not provided one jot of proof that stands up to scrutiny that the average bobby on the beat is not an incompetent thug.

Since you put it like that angry man, I think it's best if I let you think you've won. No go on...have the last word and we'll call it a day.

It isn't about 'winning' - its about debating the rights and wrongs of police tactics,and whether they sometimes lie to cover their tracks.
I am far from angry,I just don't like the police very much.
You hurling the dummy and talking about 'hidden agenda's' and 'communist tactics' just smacks of a lack of logical argument,and a resort to cliched paranoia.
Feel free to have the last word however,preferably something you haven't pinched verbatim from the Daily Mail.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Absolute and utter bollocks.
Firstly,we are talking about currently serving police constables,not some scenario in the dim and distant future,and you writing FACT with your Caps Lock on is no substitute for actually having some evidence to back up your theory.
Most coppers are not graduates,and the Chief Pig having some Martin Luther King dream about what he would like to see means exactly fuck all,as he knows that most people who graduate will not go within a million miles of being a plod,as they have no desire to walk the mean streets in the rain, beating up this weeks hated minority group,when they could be doing something more rewarding.
Like anything else.
A vocational degree means nothing - it amounts to some token bit of paper to prove that some dullard slept through a couple of lectures at police academy,probably in how to plant evidence,or force a confession.
Like American colleges give to those who can run very fast,but are thick as pigshit.
You are obviously a fan of the police,and are entitled to your opinion.
But you have not provided one jot of proof that stands up to scrutiny that the average bobby on the beat is not an incompetent thug.

Gotta agree with you here. Average plod on the street is not a graduate and as thick as most students are, they would still run circles round the pig ignorant numpties that patrol the streets.

Why doesn't Newlunar back up the claims with FACTS....

Because you can't put anything in a full bucket.
Newlunar said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Gotta agree with you here. Average plod on the street is not a graduate and as thick as most students are, they would still run circles round the pig ignorant numpties that patrol the streets.

Why doesn't Newlunar back up the claims with FACTS....

Because you can't put anything in a full bucket.

Nope, because there are no facts to back up your claim. Once you have proved that the bulk or even a large proportion of pigs are graduates then I will make a public apology to you. Until then I will uphold my opinions of you and your agenda.
dell74 said:
Somebody needs a hug
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Newlunar said:
Because you can't put anything in a full bucket.

Nope, because there are no facts to back up your claim. Once you have proved that the bulk or even a large proportion of pigs are graduates then I will make a public apology to you. Until then I will uphold my opinions of you and your agenda.

Here's a fact for you. You just hate the police because they banged your 'he's no saint' uncle up for 12 years. That's a long time in this day and age. Pretty serious stuff.
I'd imagine there would have been some very clever, top barristers on both sides poring over that case.

So if we're talking FACTS, why don't you put some on here detailing exactly what it is your uncle is in the big house for. What he is alleged to have done and how exactly he was fitted up by the police, because so far you have missed out those FACTS.

Oh and I couldn't give two shiny shits about what you (especially you) think of me or my opinions, old bean.

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