Maine Road (now) photos

greeny-ctid said:
drove past after work the other day still remember my first game west brom at home 2000 i was 5 (still remember though) :D we drew 0-0 i loved it so much and got hooked straight away! we need to capture our voices again like at main road because our atmosphere at home is shite sometimes

My first game was in 1994, when we were 2-0 up against Ipswich then it got abandoned because of rain
OnlyOneUweRosler said:
greeny-ctid said:
drove past after work the other day still remember my first game west brom at home 2000 i was 5 (still remember though) :D we drew 0-0 i loved it so much and got hooked straight away! we need to capture our voices again like at main road because our atmosphere at home is shite sometimes

My first game was in 1994, when we were 2-0 up against Ipswich then it got abandoned because of rain

I remember that game. I twisted my ankle when the second goal went in. I think Vonk scored it after it had got stuck in a puddle. Glad it was abandoned cos I was in agony.
My house is in the second pic' on the far left of the new homes, I truly loved Maine Road my first game was in 81, lived on Kippax Street from 79, its been sad letting go of our ground our spirtual home. I gess owning a house on Maine Road my way of dealing with the loss ( & its a nice place to live ). I'm a proud Moss Side lad and keep a City flag flying from a post on the 3rd floor of my house, most games. in the pic, I can just make out the flag rapped round the end of the post :) .
TGR said:
"the catering (Oh Jesus!)"

This made me chuckle so much that I joined the site so I could add my memories of Maine Road.

Firstly, the reason for the chuckle... My mum, Jean Ellis (and sometimes my dad, Bob), was responsible for 'the catering'. Both my parents worked for a company called Stadia Catering (owned by Peter Coates who is now the owner of Stoke). On and off throughout the 70's my mum was the catering manager at Maine Road (at other times, Preston North End and Blackburn Rovers). Every other Saturday for me and my sister consisted of getting up at stupid o'clock to be at the ground many hours before the fans to help 'stock up' (by god but the memories are flooding back at the moment). We were also there a few hours after the match to bring the stock back to the stock rooms, because we sure as hell didn't leave beer in those little octagonal bars behind the Kippax. Then it was another hour or so to drive back to Lowton where we lived. Not exactly a typical Saturday for a kid.
I remember the North (New) stand being built and me being given the responsibility, during match time, of keeping the bars in that stand stocked. I remember having my first teenage crush on one of the girls that worked there. She was much older than me and not interested. Her name is on the tip of my tongue, which was the closest it ever got to her. She must be in her 60's now; jeez! Anne, something. I'm sure her surname was also a bloke's first name... And no, it wasn't Anne Frank.

Some memories....

Nicking all the pull chains from the bogs in the Kippax - just don't ask me why.

That joke shop opposite the Main Stand - Did that become the souvenir shop?

Being fascinated by the brand new electric scoreboard.

A testimonial match in which Bert Trautmann played and was still amazing.

Those slots at the ends of the advertising boards where the half time scores from the rest of the division were put.

Joe Corrigan waving back at me and a load of fans as he walked back to his net, only to realise why we were waving and shouting so frantically when the ball went past him into the net - Did he really end up playing for England?

My uncles constantly having to drown baby rats found in nests in the cash drawers.

David Cassidy playing one of the first ever UK stadium concerts, with Showaddywaddy as support. Damn but I was popular with the girls at school leading up to that.

Huge single teabags replacing loose tea in the urns, then they themselves being replaced by the revolutionary, and revolting, Maxpax cups with dried tea, coffee, or Bovril in them. Just add water.

Pie heaters... Oh, and the meat and tattie pies of course. A Bovril, a pie, and a Wagon Wheel and one was set up for the match.

My little sister and I not being allowed back into the ground on a reserve match by some officious little Jobsworth, despite him knowing exactly who we were. We had to pay 2p to get in. I remember my mum going ballistic on the little twit.

Behind the deserted Kippax early one morning and a bunch of local kids suddenly climbing over the wall. We waited till we felt we were far enough away then shouted 'we're telling our mum on you' and running like hell.

Being allowed to sit on one of those huge police horses and nearly having an inadvertent sex-change.

Watching the same police horse climbing up that embankment behind the Kippax (or was it Platt Lane) and scattering some 'nuisance causers'.

George Best being advertised as appearing at every single testimonial, and failing to turn up to every single testimonial.

The Red Devils parachutists being advertised to land on the pitch at every single testimonial, and the Red Arrows parachutists having to call it off due to high winds at every single testimonial.

Being told off by Stan Gibson, the head groundsman, for 'mooching' amongst the seating after a match. Apparently any dropped money was going to be his perk.

Those three huge flights of stairs in the main stand up which we had to carry all the deliveries to 'Bar 1'. Behind bar 1 was the nerve centre of the whole operation. We must have had calves like Sergio back then.

Ok, I can hear you all shouting 'stop already!'

There must be a thousand other memories I could bore you with, but I'll stop now. Yeah, Maine Road was ramshackled and times do and must change, and I don't even know if 'sad' is how I feel about it going; but I am glad I had my time there. Although, as I recall, back then I'd have much rather stayed at home and watch Swap Shop.
The one thing I dont miss from Maine Road is the stench of the old gents loos at the back of the Kippax - could rip the hairs from your nostrils

Still miss standing in the old Kippax many memories and stand out results a
10 -1 against Huddersfield, 5 - 1 against the Rags, Bobby Mac in goal against Watford, Quinny's penalty save amongst many
TGR said:
I am 53 years old so I can remember the halycon days of fab 3 (Bell, Lee & Summerbee) However, lets make sure we do not allow time cloud our judgement...

Maine Road was a dump! I'm sorry but it was in every respect. The place, the structure, the catering (Oh Jesus!), the parking not to mention the majority of the football for the last 30+ years - the lot! Unless you are at least as old as me you cannot remember any 'good times' at all apart from the promotion day against Charlton (5-1 if my memory serves me right), the famous 10-1 and the legendary 5-1 against the rags. Gents, thats about it! Apart from a couple of relegations along the way.
The stadium we have now is truly fantastic in comparison in every way.
I did cry the day we left Maine Road - with happiness!
Nostalgia - its not what it used to be...

you are so, so wrong mate.. my first yr as a season ticket holder was 95/96, the season it all went tits up... yet maine road is the most special place in the world to me and will be forever.. it was amazing, so many happy memories.. sad memories for my dad and people who actualy realised what was happening to the club, but for us kids who stuck with city instead of joining all the little wankers at school cherish maine road. i have maine road tattoo'd on me.. what a place..

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