Maine Road (now) photos

n_mcfc said:
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
Maine Road was well past it's sell by date, (imo) a mishmash of four different stands, parking was a joke, whoever designed the "Kippax" stand should have been shot, although I appreciate money was tight at the time.

I'm as sentimental as the next fan, going to games since 1961 but it was time to move on.....

Why do you say that mate? Just interested to hear as I was only born in 1991 so never really witnessed the real Kippax.


Because to me the new stand should have blended in with the old Platt Lane and Scoreboard end stands, or at least some attempt should have been made to at least try.

As a stand, by itself it was fine, but by the end Maine Road as a whole looked like a total mish mash of styles.


Sorry if I offended anyone, but give me the 1960's Kippax any day.....(apart from the farts and piss of course)
A long time ago when I was a kid, I'm 50 now, I had a copy of the 'Topical Times' football annual of around 1970. There was an article by a famous Arsenal player called George Graham who later went on to manage the Gunners. We were MASSIVE in those days, and I can always remember the piece he wrote with absolute pride: 'We were trotting out of the tunnel at MAINE ROAD MANCHESTER when the cat calls and hisses hit us straight between the ears. We were used to hostile receptions from clubs in the north, but nothing ever quite prepared you for the onslaught you got at Manchester City' I was always very proud of my beloved City to have given a legend such as that such a vivid memory, with the reference to Maine Road as very poignant. The very mention of the place sends shivers down my spine to this day. It was our tribal home.
Matty said:
I drive past it every Monday on my way from work to Platt Lane to play football, no matter how many times I see it I never fail to be depressed by the whole thing. We needed to move, for footballing and financial reasons, I understand that, but try telling that to my heart.

Just about sums it up for me too ......

i'm always down Moss Side as my daughters school is nearby , so i pass the old site frequently , and every time i do my mind goes back to what was once there , and the vibrant 'feel' that the area had on a match day ...... i'd go back to Maine Road tomorrow if it were possible , to me it will always be our 'real' home , but i can appreciate the reasons why it had served its purpose and had to go.
I will go to my grave, regretting that I didn't pay my last respects to Maine Road when they were knocking it down. I thought it would be too much, and I would rather remember the old girl like she'd been. After they'd finished with the bulldozers, though, I was devastated. It was like missing the funeral of a close relative.

Ee, well. Can't wind the clock back, though I still glance up the side roads on the occasions I drive past.
Maine Road, what a place, my 1st game early nineties QPR league cup, pissed it down 0-0. How was i supposed to get hooked?? But I did. Remember turning into kippax street in my dads mates motor and saying, is that the ground (when i saw the kippax floodlights), he said sure is son, and i was in awe.
The two 4nil drubbings of leeds are my early memories, jumpin on the kippax railings when we scored, and always grabbin a waggon wheel at half time!
When i was old enough to go on my own i loved it, train then the no 11 from town, few cans outside the beehive or sherwood.
Used to mither my old fella to take me down every bday with my bday cash and spend the LOT in the shop.
I love the new place but as a previous poster said, just one more game there would be ace, my lad will be 2 soon and im gonna get him along to COMS, just hope to god he gets the same buzz one day that i first had when i started goin to maine road. If he mithers me about city just as much as i mithered my dad, I will be one very happy man.

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