Maine Road or Etihad

Maine Rd

Living in South Manchester there was not the ball ache of getting to the ground like to the Etihad

The memories live longer from the standing on the Kippax to dodging an inflatable banana and smelling those dodgy burgers

We lived in hope rather than expectancy and enjoyed the very rare glimpses of good football more than we now appreciate the team. club and manager we now have.

The dark humour and not taking it all too seriously brought us together, now we are sat next to someone with the biggest phone ever with an half and half scarf.

Mind you for stadiums you can't beat the Etihad
Strange one because instinctively I'd think Maine Road.... but I had so many disappointments there - a few great days too... The Etihad will always be special because I saw us win league titles there - 93:20 was perhaps the greatest day ever. Its interesting that when you look at how the Etihad has been developed for corporate clients - fancy bars etc the basic offering on the concourse - pies, pints and crisps - is no better than what was on offer at Maine Road - just more expensive.
Some of my happiest moments as a football supporter was walking to Maine Road from Withington with my Granddad as a child himself had walked to Hyde Road to watch City(although he switched to the rags after the war). Maine Road, especially near the end wasn't great and we really had to move, but I will always picture it as our home.
If Maine Road was still our ground today, it would have become a sterile structure with little resemblance of the place many on here are so fond of. Maine Road and all its former glory died when the Kippax was demolished.

Leaving when we did sealed the nostalgic legacy, as it was replaced before football became overzealously sterile.
I was just about to post that once I'd finished just seemed 'proper City' somehow.

Haha, good one! Above all, I remember the Schoolboys Entrance to the Kippax, at 2/6, or half-a-crown, as we used to say, with great affection. There'd be some hulking great big bloke with a tache and sideboards in front of me. But the guy on the turnstile wasn't about to ask him for ID.
Maine road and everything about the place was home. The pubs, the shitty takeaways, the fact i could leave the george and dragon in cheadle at 2.40 and be in my main stand seat for k.o...

... but ....

we wouldnt be where we are now if we’d stayed there. We’d have been very much left behind. A’la everton.

shame we had to leave but at the time it was very much time to go
I think the fact lots of our match going support comes from south Manchester effects what people think. It was so much easier getting to Maine road for many. Getting to east Manchester is a ball ache and I prefer the area around Maine road

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