Maine Road or Etihad

1st post... Maine Road for me, I first went with my stepdad in around 96 and we all had season tickets for a while. Others have articulated far better than I could but has anyone mentioned these signs yet? Even as a kid I remember finding them very amusing! Would love to own one

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Anyone else remember the stern painted warning on the Kippax perimeter wall to "COMMIT NO NUISANCE"
As a nipper79/80 sitting on the white wall on the kippax was amazing being so close to the players, watching them pass long balls to each other in the warm up thinking they are so good.

Then fast forward a few years standing in the kippax, the smell of piss from the toilets the shit football, and waiting to get back home in the car on claremont rd listening to other results.

Nothing beats maine road, all stadia now is a bit corporate compared to the good old piss stenching horrible hot dogs and bovril days.

Maine Road is like a mark I ford escort Mexico and the etihad a Audi A3 tdi. Okay the Audi is a superior car in every way but it’s a bland soulless experience and every other fucker has a similar car that looks and behaves so alike as to bore the pants of everyone involved.

One I loved the other just well, does it’s job.
Maine Road but with Hugh Ferris at half time
Maine Road but with Hugh Ferris at half time
Talking of half time (apart from the Half Time Draw obviously) just remembered the game where they hung the rubber ring thing on the cross bar and people lined up to try to kick it in. I remember a guy who was on the larger side - obviously off out afterwards in shirt and shoes the lot - who completely missed the ball and ended up flat on his face
A few more random thoughts on MR, opposition full backs and wingers suffered dogs abuse from the Kippax, comments easily heard on the pitch...the vast clouds of cig smoke billowing out of the main stand, the surges that left you yards away from where you were stood. The push-bikes left in the backyards of houses at the back of the car park, never found out how much they charged. Night matches, every one turned up last minute and had to join the crocodile for the turn-stiles, seeing the sparks from the police horse's hooves as they herded us. Then the frantic dash as the turn-stiles began closing. The panic when the mighty roar that greeted the players coming out...
Went to a couple of semi-finals that were sold out so 75'000, but flat atmosphere, with no segregation. Beswick Prize Band, and the plane towing a banner advertising Flatley driers.
Stan Mathews putting thousands on the gate then not playing.
All part of City fans DNA
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned but how do people think Maine Road would be nowadays if we’d chosen to redevelop the ground and stay where we were?

I’d like to think it would be exactly the same but I very much doubt it.

Football would still be the corporate beast it is today and working class fans would still be priced out of going every week.

You only need to look at Old Trafford if you want to see a stadium that isn’t fit for purpose and the corporate fan being put before the working class fan.

Just a thought and would be interested to see what others think...
Jesus, I'd like to be able to tell you, but it's fifty years back! It was in Rusholme, I know that much.

I'm only 46 mate, so probably before my time.

Everyone in Moss Side used to take their old bangers to a guy on Lowthorpe Street to get fixed (terraced street opposite Main Stand)

He was called Everton - true story!
Id imagine it wasnt the only club of its time with dodgy acts. A circuit that has all but gone but was very popular in social, working mens clubs etc. Remember the posters advertising upcoming acts, many of whom appeared to wear sparkly jackets and market themselves as "fabulous comedy vocal" etc

They had some amazing acts according to my dad. He saw the Drifters play at the City Social.

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