Maine Road or Etihad

Maine Rd over the Etihad every time but that's more to do with the difference between match going days of years ago and the modern beige experience of modern day football.
Maine Road the only problem was if your car was still there or one window smashed with radio gone lucky day was if it was just your aerial broken. Park car in Veladrome car park now it's always ok
It's impossible to compare really.

My heart will always be at MR as will my dads (RIP) he never made it to the new pad.

The atmosphere had the ability to crackle like a crackly thing at times at MR. Even on the big games at the Etihad it's never quite as intense but that's maybe partly due to seats rather than the Kippax/NS (when standing).

The new ground although without doubt 'cleaner' and safer than MR just doesn't measure up overall but as I said earlier, different times and an older average fanbase.

If I was pushed as to where I would watch us now given the choice at 57 I'd probably pick one game at MR but if for the longterm it'd have to be the Etihad.
I grew up opposite Maine Road, so it's also a big part of my childhood that I truly miss.

What I would say when comparing the two.

Maine Road was a total match-day experience as the majority converged on it and had their own personal rituals and hangouts.

The Etihad, however, while the scene of some incredible history, offers zero match-day experience, but the club contrives to create one with a total emphasis on monetizing each supporter who attends.

This ensures thousands stay away until they actually 'have to' make their way towards the stadium.

The Etihad is only a magnet for the actual football, which makes Maine Road a superior all-round experience for me.

It was the beating heart of a community that was happy to have City there to represent it.

The immediate surrounding area of the Etihad couldn't give a shit.
Few pubs at all near Etihad apart from Mary D's, moreover right next to Clayton historically a rag stronghold.
No doubt the etihad is a utra modern stadium with facilities that we couldn't imagine years ago. Maine Road however, dated and tired but the atmosphere especially in the 70s for me was the best. Very little of the corporate stuff, just die hard supporters getting there fix at 3 o'clock on a Saturday. Great days!
No doubt the etihad is a utra modern stadium with facilities that we couldn't imagine years ago. Maine Road however, dated and tired but the atmosphere especially in the 70s for me was the best. Very little of the corporate stuff, just die hard supporters getting there fix at 3 o'clock on a Saturday. Great days!
3pm Saturday kick offs, aye I remember them. When was our last home one, that's a question for anyone?
I think the issue with Maine Road, the pubs and environmental around, such as the curry mile etc, is a good one. It’s clearly better than the Etihad. I do wonder, however, if all those pubs would still be open today. The curry mile is also a shadow of its former glory, sadly.

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