Major mistakes of MCFC?

de niro said:
Dont see the need to suddenly knock our club at this time to be honest but I'll have my say .
Yes there have been errors but so has every club, ours without doubt has two that stand way above all others.

1, sacking Joe mercer. Now THAT set us back as far as anything could.
2, appointing Alan fucking Ball. That almost sent us under.

Nothing Hughes did, or redevelopment of Maine road or even John Maddox ( good shout though pidge) did comes close to these two errors.

Not sure we 'sacked' Joe Mercer......the club tried to move him upstairs but (as always) failed to think it through and didn't have a job description or title ready. They then asked him to sort his own at which he got disgruntled and left. Any ways it would've been Joe or Big Mal who went.
de niro said:
Dont see the need to suddenly knock our club at this time to be honest but I'll have my say .
Yes there have been errors but so has every club, ours without doubt has two that stand way above all others.

1, sacking Joe mercer. Now THAT set us back as far as anything could.
2, appointing Alan fucking Ball. That almost sent us under.

Nothing Hughes did, or redevelopment of Maine road or even John Maddox ( good shout though pidge) did comes close to these two errors.

Well said
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Feed-The-Goat said:
Nigel De Jong.

Still hurts to this day.

I dont think so, another player that wanted to move on. He isn't worth over 100k a week and found that out himself when he got less from AC Milan than City offered him

People say he only started 8 games or so in his final year, but he was more influential than people think. He helped keep morale up in the dressing room, him coming on to bolster the midfield so Yaya could push on and the way he took key players out of games was something we missed last season.

Not many players are worth 100k a week to me, but i doubt the rumours were true he demanded that. We could have paid him less.
Appointing two executives to bring beautiful football to City in the erroneous belief that they and not Messi are responsible for Barca's success

Allowing said executives to undermine, plot against and finally butcher the manager who brought to us the success and special days that most of us had waited our whole lives for

Doing the above in such a haphazard ill prepared manner that it scuppered our chances of winning the FA Cup
Phuket Blue said:
Allowing Mark Hughes to stay as boss.

Wasted a huge amount of money, stalled our development and put us behind the 8 ball with some ridiculous wages/contracts, which we are only escaping from this year.

Khuldoon should have brought his man in straight away.

and the fact he probably split City fans more than anybody I can remember at the the club
he had city fans at each others throats because many a fan had misguided loyalties to the manager and they became blinkered to the fact the guy was a total incompetent buffoon

I never wanted him or rated him and for me he was City the club and a large percentage of the fans biggest mistake!

At a time when we should have been taking advantage of the Money and the other top clubs were there for the taking he totally fucked it up and he would have gone much much sooner had all the fans realised this and turned against him earlier this clown set us back years because he made us a laughing stock the worlds "richest" club buying crap like RSC and paying top dollar

I hope the club learned that if we have made a mistake with the manager it is much better to act quickly than to let the wrong man ruin the club even more
1) Letting Swales in the boardroom. This clueless, self-serving buffoon wasn't fit to lick Albert Alexander's feet and was out for all he could get. We paid the price for 30 years.

2) Wardle backing Keegan over Bernstein. That lost us a chairman who'd done so much to rebuild the club and in the next 6 years it nearly all fell apart.

3) Backing Alistair Mackintosh over Chris Bird. AM maybe wasn't quite as buffoonish as Swales but he was at least as dangerous. Another self-serving tosser (who was also a rag). Only interested in his bonus and maintaining his status.
The Flash said:
Challenger1978 said:
de niro said:
Dont see the need to suddenly knock our club at this time to be honest but I'll have my say .
Yes there have been errors but so has every club, ours without doubt has two that stand way above all others.

1, sacking Joe mercer. Now THAT set us back as far as anything could.
2, appointing Alan fucking Ball. That almost sent us under.

Nothing Hughes did, or redevelopment of Maine road or even John Maddox ( good shout though pidge) did comes close to these two errors.

In my lifetime its got to be that one.

Yep. Just remembering the flat cap and squeaky voice makes me cringe, never mind the football, relegation, Buster Phillips being worth £10m....

I often wonder what the comparison rates of today would make him.£100M ??

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