Man city pubs in london?

Morning - the usual rabble will be meeting tonight in the Half Moon, Herne Hill. Special guest - the invisible man - will be in attendance.

All welcome!

Apologies for bringing this thread back to the top of the board, but does anyone know of a London pub that will be showing the match tonight?

nomorethaksintimes said:

Apologies for bringing this thread back to the top of the board, but does anyone know of a London pub that will be showing the match tonight?


SE London = Vale in East Dulwich
East London = Young Prince, Roman Road E3
Central = The F3K's in West Kensington

Hope this helps
nomorethaksintimes said:
Thanks a lot for the help. Tueart's Boots, as it's not on Sky/ESPN you think any of those pubs will have it on then?
They run live streams, 3 Kings is a definate, The Vale, not 100% sure and The Young Prince will show it on a smaller screen apparently.
I might pop round to The Vale and ask (I'm 5 mins from there)

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