Man city pubs in london?

Scooby Blue said:
I'm happy to go with the flow on this one, but since the City Pride is just round the corner (and has such a great name) we could maybe try it for the Villa game and then make a decision on which place works best.

The City Pride is 28 Farringdon Lane (come out of Farringdon tube, turn left and walk to the end of Turnmill St and the pub is just across Clerkenwell Rd). It will be a bit more crowded than the 3 compasses and with maybe a bit more atmosphere (more so vs London teams).
If we agree to give it a go, I will ask the landlord to reserve us a table

ps I thought De Jong was class last night + fair play to the blues who came into town from outside London - it definitely makes the game more enjoyable to be in a London pub where it's the City goals that are getting the loudest cheers!

Kind of like 'The City Pride' home of the North London Blues as a concept! How about a general yes or no from everyone who did turn up last night (and maybe some who didn't cos they thought it wouldn't happen?!) about Villa and 3 Compasses vs City Pride? Was good last night, blues everywhere and the look on the hammer supporters faces when they realised they were out numbered and out shouted was hilarious, when we scored there was just general bemusement around the pub. Agree about NdJ, any truly successful team has a battling midfielder protecting the back 4 and breaking up the attacks, look how everyone still harps on about Makelele......looks like Hughes has found us our own. He was immense and Petrov looked on it too.....
Not sure you should have posted that link....and I quote from the website here.................

''The thing I like about this place is that although it's a bit of a dingy hole, there are usually a good number of attractive men here. As it's quite near where I work, that means I can pop in during my lunch break and pretend to have my eye on the cricket when what I'm really doing is catching sly glimpses of my fellow drinker's groins to think about later on my own.
The only drawback is that with "Pride" in the name, it sounds a little bit too much like the kind of bar I would frequent if I came out of the closet.
Report this for removal Alan_White - 3 Aug 2009 13:48''

When we think about it, 3 Compasses was fine really wasn't it eh?
BlueHerts said:
Not sure you should have posted that link....and I quote from the website here.................

''The thing I like about this place is that although it's a bit of a dingy hole, there are usually a good number of attractive men here. As it's quite near where I work, that means I can pop in during my lunch break and pretend to have my eye on the cricket when what I'm really doing is catching sly glimpses of my fellow drinker's groins to think about later on my own.
The only drawback is that with "Pride" in the name, it sounds a little bit too much like the kind of bar I would frequent if I came out of the closet.
Report this for removal Alan_White - 3 Aug 2009 13:48''

When we think about it, 3 Compasses was fine really wasn't it eh?
Yes, I thought that too when I read the reviews ! Bimbobob would feel comfortable in that atmosphere though !
BlueHerts said:
When we think about it, 3 Compasses was fine really wasn't it eh?

City Pride and 3 Compasses are both easy staggering distance from the Griffin, so if we're getting slaughtered at Villa, or if anyone is really that worried about the connotations of going to a pub with 'pride' in the name, there is another option...
tueartsboots said:
BlueHerts said:
Not sure you should have posted that link....and I quote from the website here.................

''The thing I like about this place is that although it's a bit of a dingy hole, there are usually a good number of attractive men here. As it's quite near where I work, that means I can pop in during my lunch break and pretend to have my eye on the cricket when what I'm really doing is catching sly glimpses of my fellow drinker's groins to think about later on my own.
The only drawback is that with "Pride" in the name, it sounds a little bit too much like the kind of bar I would frequent if I came out of the closet.
Report this for removal Alan_White - 3 Aug 2009 13:48''

When we think about it, 3 Compasses was fine really wasn't it eh?
Yes, I thought that too when I read the reviews ! Bimbobob would feel comfortable in that atmosphere though !

You might have to review whether it would be wise to wear a tighter replica shirt again..............
BlueHerts said:
tueartsboots said:
Yes, I thought that too when I read the reviews ! Bimbobob would feel comfortable in that atmosphere though !

You might have to review whether it would be wise to wear a tighter replica shirt again..............

Ha ha ha ! You wearing a scarf tucked in your jeans on the right hand side was a bit camp ! ;-p

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