Man City V Barcelona Pre Match thread.

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JoeMercer'sWay said:





Bit harsh on Kanchelskis, he was superb at Everton, the rags and Rangers.

Can't fking wait! It'll be one heck of a game! I feel like a little child in a candy store.

Even got my day off from school (By pure luck), going to my brother in law, who's also a blue, to watch the game and enjoy a great evening!

Good luck boys :)
jimmygrimblesboots said:
ilovefotball said:
jimmygrimblesboots said:
No doubt the barca team from a 2 or 3 seasons ago , was something to be feared , but the present barca team is too reliant on Messi , i have never rated Neymar , reminds me of a poor mans Robinho , too light weight and Suarez isnt anywhere near the level he was playing for the dippers last season .So although they still command respect , their recent eleven game winning streak was mostly against mid table la liga cannon fodder. Its about time our inferiority complex when playing the "elite" of europe , was well and truly put to bed , and a victory on tuesday would be a big step.

Yeah right, 3 wins in a row against Atletico Madrid, and win against Athletic Bilboa at San Mames won't count? If anything, game against Malaga at saturday was unusal as every player looked disinterested/unprepared, may be their minds were already occupied by City and the game on Tuesday.

bilbao ? you are having a laugh , (and barca beat the mighty Elche 3 times , levante who the f*ck are they ? , villareal twice , the most dangerous thing about them is their yellow kit ,deporto la coruna hahahaha ) , Barca have to play 4 games a season in La Liga (the best team in spain Real Madrid and the 2nd best team in spain Atletico Madrid) , if they win those , they will win la liga. Dont try and make out your eleven game winning run was special , it wasnt.

Really? Did you even read what i wrote? Why do you think I want to make our winning run special?

If there are only 3 good teams in Spain and as you are playing against the 3rd best team in Spain, you must easily win this game. Your lack of knowledge on Spanish fotball yet the desire to write absolute nonsense baffles me.
magiccue01 said:
MeatHunterrr said:
magiccue01 said:
Look, I am a city fan through and through. Factless crap, stop the stupidity all around. I will await my apology after my prediction comes through. I am guessing your excuse will be that Nasri and Aguero just returned from an injury 3 weeks ago. Don't get me wrong, we have a good squad but not a great squad to play against this bunch.
Doubt that after looking your post history, which is mainly slagging someone off.

I don't slag anyone one off. I just let my observations be known.

To have observations you have to see something. We haven't played yet but you already know the outcome.
Think you mean opinions. You are quite an opinionated so and so.
So we amaze you. Well i'm afraid you just disappoint me.
Can i just request, that those of you going today, keep the noise down.
I am at work and recording the match to watch later. I don't want any clues
to how the game is going ;-)
JoeMercer'sWay said:





Richard Dunne as CB please. If we can't get past Barcelona, at least we can score a few in our own net.
ilovefotball said:
jimmygrimblesboots said:
ilovefotball said:
Yeah right, 3 wins in a row against Atletico Madrid, and win against Athletic Bilboa at San Mames won't count? If anything, game against Malaga at saturday was unusal as every player looked disinterested/unprepared, may be their minds were already occupied by City and the game on Tuesday.

bilbao ? you are having a laugh , (and barca beat the mighty Elche 3 times , levante who the f*ck are they ? , villareal twice , the most dangerous thing about them is their yellow kit ,deporto la coruna hahahaha ) , Barca have to play 4 games a season in La Liga (the best team in spain Real Madrid and the 2nd best team in spain Atletico Madrid) , if they win those , they will win la liga. Dont try and make out your eleven game winning run was special , it wasnt.

Really? Did you even read what i wrote? Why do you think I want to make our winning run special?

If there are only 3 good teams in Spain and as you are playing against the 3rd best team in Spain, you must easily win this game. Your lack of knowledge on Spanish fotball yet the desire to write absolute nonsense baffles me.
FCB and Real Madrid are both better than City because they have decades of investment and preparation,

But that doesn't mean City can not win a one-off tie.

I think it's true to say that the Premiership has a lot more strength in depth than the other European Leagues. The reason is because the difference between the wealth of the like of Bayern, Real Madrid, and Barca to their domestic rivals is a lot greater than it is in the Premiership

Of course money is not the sole factor in sport. But it explains an awful lot. Look at the decline of Serie A. That used to be the top league that everyone watched. Now their stadia are 3/4 empty. Its sad watching AC Milan play at home in a great stadium with no fans in it
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