Man City V Barcelona Pre Match thread.

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I always find it odd when people claim La Liga is all cannon fodder while the EPL has amazing strength throughout, yet the Spanish teams keep winning the Europa league and more often than not they keep schooling the English sides.

A poster above said the most dangerous thing about Villarrael was there Yellow kit, yet they would be better than many English sides. Does everyone remember Bilbao vs the red of Manchester a few years back? They destroyed them. Atletico last year put away Chelsea with ease and this Barcelona side have beaten them 3 times.

I expect a close game, Barca are far too reliant on Messi. If he can be contained then anything can happen. In defence they are hit and miss, sometimes Pique looks world class, sometimes he looks like he's thinking about his missus. Suarez is struggling in Spain as the game there is often more technical, he's used to the fast pace of the EPL which gave him more space, space he is not afford in Spain so perhaps a game in England will suit him. Neymar meanwhile looks fatigued, he should have been rested in one of the last 2 La Liga rounds.

Over the 2 legs Barca should advance but it's not set in stone.
I have freesat so I am always watching various news channels. They had Nasri on France 24 talking about the game with Barca.
A bit later I watched Euronews and they had Pique on - talking in English - and he said " Manchester City are a fantastic team with a fantastic Stadium
and fantastic fans" . OK he is Spanish but he seems to love the adjective - fantastic.
Ric said:
Really interested to see which team Pellegrini picks tomorrow, as it's pretty hard to call. The main decisions seem to be Zabaleta/Sagna, Mangala/Demichelis, and Milner/Navas.

I think he'll go:


I agree it's difficult to call in those three positions. I was initially of the view that Pellegrini would pick Sagna ahead of Zab. I am not so sure now as I have seen definite signs that Zab is returning to form. I think he will pick Mangala ahead of Demichelis, and it's a toss up between Navas and Milner. The rest of the team pretty much picks itself.

I have a positive vibe about this game. I think the key will be Kun. He is very, very close to hitting top form and he is a big game player. We need to be disciplined in our defence and play a game not unlike the game against Roma.

I read an interview with Busquets, and it's clear that they will be watching Silva very closely. However I think Nasri could do something in this game. Our chances of getting the better of them will depend on Merlin, Nasri and Kun. If we play smart and hit them on the counter, we can definitely cause an upset.
leech said:
sam-caddick said:
leech said:
Genuinely don't think Barcelona are all they're cracked up to be.

For sure Messi/Neymar/Suarez is some strike force, but it has been proven to be possible to keep a clean sheet against them and it's going to cost them some defensive capability if they start all three.

The days when Xavi led one of the most selfish, ball hogging midfields in the history of the game are gone, as have the days when they could pull a Sanchez or an Henry off the bench just when the opposing team thought they had them on the ropes.

Their full backs are good, but the central defense and goalkeeper are far from mistake free and the team as a whole are no longer marshaled with the same unity and tactical prowess they had under Pep.

Overall we are stronger.

We are not stronger than Barcelona.

They will have more of the ball against most sides and that is their best form of defence and their front three is definitely the best around in my opinion and can win games on their own, don't underestimate their midfield as well even if it isn't the classic Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets trio.

Lot's on here - myself included - thought Barca were on the decline last year and we went into the home tie after just beating Chelsea in the cup, we got outplayed and battered all over the park, even before the sending off.

The Malaga result aside, Barca were just one win away before that game from going on an all time record 12 league wins or something.
I wouldn't say they had us all over the park before the Demichelis sending off, we were pretty comfortable letting them keep possession and creating very little while we were breaking and Negredo was starting to get one or two chances. Demichelis got caught out by his lack of pace to catch Messi and the tie swung, Mangala won't have that problem.

On sheer quality alone, I'd combine the two teams to have:

Zabaleta - Kompany - Mangala - Alba
Busquets - Toure - (Iniesta)
(Silva) - Messi - Neymar

To explain some choices as it may seem blue-tinted, Zabaleta is ahead of Alves as Alves is now almost 32 and doesn't have the same energy he used to, and Barcelona haven't even bothered to tie him down to a new contract yet (which expires this summer). Mangala ahead of Pique as although Mangala is more inconsistent, he also has none of Pique's weaknesses such as pace, and in the big games performs to a standard Pique couldn't dream of. It was heavily rumoured Barcelona wanted Mangala in the summer to replace Pique but decided the price was too high.
Silva is ahead of Suarez as Silva is a much more consistent performer, while Suarez was outstanding last season it was possible to shut him out, as we did a few times and as Chelsea did. If your defense has a weakness he will find it, otherwise.... Silva is effective in pretty much every game - couldn't choose between Iniesta and Silva though. Hart is goalkeeper as I don't even know if Barcelona have yet established whether they have a number one they trust following Valdes' departure.

Throw in that I trust Pellegrini far more than Enrique (it was rumoured Barcelona sniffed around him in the summer before going for Enrique), and I don't think we should go into this as underdogs (though we will as an added bonus of Barcelona's past glories).
I think this slightly overrates us. Based on this season, I'd say
Hart = Bravo (toss up)
Zaba = Alves (toss up) both have been mostly average with one or 2 good games and a lot of shit games.
Clichy over Alba: Clichy is actually clearly better than Alba.
Pique over Kompany. This is not even close.
Mathieu over MDM or Mangala. This is slightly closer. As none of the 3 have consistently played, but Mathieu shades it on superior performance overal
Silva over Iniesta: this too isn't close. Even though like Alba, Iniesta often gets overrated. Has been good but not stellar.
Yaya over Rakitic: Yaya is by far a better footballer, but this is quite close on this seasons performance.
Busquest over the Ferns: not close at all.
Neymar over Nasri: not close at all
Messi over Dzeko/Milner/Navas: this is a runaway. WC to average.
Aguero over Suarez: Aguero wins by a bit. Aguero is by far the better striker this season, however Suarez team play makes this closer than the stats show.

Even if you give all the ties to City I.e Hart, Zaba, and sure City will have more players in a mixed squad. But the reality is this, in every position in which City is better, with the exception of Silva over Iniesta,the City player is only slightly better. While in perhaps every position Barca is better, there is a huge gulf in difference, except for Mathieu over Demi/Mangala.

Thus, having more players in the joint 11 is a bit of a false sense of comfort. Their team is comfortably better than ours. So are Bayern, and Real Madrid.

We can beat Barca, just like inter did them a few years back, and Malaga this weekend. But let's not confuse that for us having a better squad. We don't.
For example, just coz Arsenal came here and beat us doesn't mean I think they have a better squad. It just means they beat us. Similarly when we beat Barca tmrw, I wouldn't fool myself into thinking we have a better Squad, just that we beat them.
I think if City has the same attitude and shows the same concentration we showed against Roma in Italy we will win. There is more awareness of the things we can do now in the champions league (specially after that Roma game) and it's clear that we will go and show our game instead of waiting for Barza. From seeing the Champions league interview of Nasri, I can see the players are really pumped up for this game and it's clear to me that we have respect but no fear. In definitive we should go for them.
Hart, Clichy, Vincent, Mangala, Zaba, Fernan, Dinho, Milner, Silva, Samir, and Aguero.

Just play close to each other, specially Samir with Silva both feeding Aguero. Keep it tight in the back with the 2 Brazilians and Milner running his head off. 5 in midfield, not just waiting for them but more like in an progressive attacking block. and Fight till the end. Right?
Kerry bai said:
I always find it odd when people claim La Liga is all cannon fodder while the EPL has amazing strength throughout, yet the Spanish teams keep winning the Europa league and more often than not they keep schooling the English sides.

A poster above said the most dangerous thing about Villarrael was there Yellow kit, yet they would be better than many English sides. Does everyone remember Bilbao vs the red of Manchester a few years back? They destroyed them. Atletico last year put away Chelsea with ease and this Barcelona side have beaten them 3 times.

I expect a close game, Barca are far too reliant on Messi. If he can be contained then anything can happen. In defence they are hit and miss, sometimes Pique looks world class, sometimes he looks like he's thinking about his missus. Suarez is struggling in Spain as the game there is often more technical, he's used to the fast pace of the EPL which gave him more space, space he is not afford in Spain so perhaps a game in England will suit him. Neymar meanwhile looks fatigued, he should have been rested in one of the last 2 La Liga rounds.

Over the 2 legs Barca should advance but it's not set in stone.
English league fans often confuse Madrid and Barca greatness for La Liga's weakness. Truth be told, if we went from top to bottom and matched teams in the current position in the two leagues and have them play against each other in a 2 legged series. La Liga's will probably win about 65 - 70% of the match ups.

Simply put, it's a more talented league top to bottom. The prem is just more competitive. This should not be confused for stronger. :?
City 4 - Beach Boys 1. Aguero 2, Nasri 1, Silva 1. Tooth 1. MoM- Nasri.
Nasri to spank Pique, then take Shakira home and give her some deep loving. :-) Simples.
I see Milner in a lot of proposed teams on here. Is he fit then?

Sorry, too late to go back over all previous pages and the Milner thread doesn't say anything about whether he is fit or not...
BongoBlue said:
I see Milner in a lot of proposed teams on here. Is he fit then?

Sorry, too late to go back over all previous pages and the Milner thread doesn't say anything about whether he is fit or not...

Milner is not really a good fit for this game, because it will be a highly technical game, requiring consistent precision, and this is not where his strength lies. If he does play, then he shoulf be deplyed in a defensive position. Howeverz given his current form and the miserable time that the Octopus is having getting near a football, I am willing to gamble with Milner.
We are playing at home, it s time for us to make a statement in Europe. Why do we have to play only one striker on counter-attack? We have to run like mad, keep pressure on them for 90 min. I would go for
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