Man killed by his own XL Bully

That's reassuring mate, cheers ;-)
I'm no dog expert but I think a waggy tail should put you at some ease. If it is an XL then grab the nearest garden fork and hope for the best.

As a side note, I live quite near the zoo in Edinburgh and got quite the shock when I heard the lions roaring when I was in my back garden. It sounded a lot closer than they actually are.
Not sure it's arguable that a staffy is the best dog for kids over e.g, a golden retriever.
Laughable, the stats are that a lab/retriever are prone to attacks...but the stats mean fuck all, a lot are the owners and trust me if you had 100 staffies with responsible owners not ONE would be agressive...okay one maybe and thats due to the owner ...
No. The UK kennel club is essentially a FIFA type organisation, made up of the individual breed standard clubs. It's in the KC literature because it's in the staffy club literature.

It's the breed standard that dogs shouldbe good with kids, Most people breeding Staffies are not breeding them to crufts standards. I'd be surprised if a majority have KC registration.

The nanny dog bollocks also dates from a time of a high infant mortality and where the concept of parental leave didn't exist. Didn't go to work one day the kid's didn't get fed.

Anybody who thinks it's alright to leave young children unsupervised with dogs is an absolute moron.
You need to go to bed...
To be fair, all the dog people in my area are very good. Apart from the odd enthusiastic venture into my back garden when I've left the gate open, or the odd emergency poo on my front garden it's generally all good.
Dog owners are usually nice people from my experience.
Laughable, the stats are that a lab/retriever are prone to attacks...but the stats mean fuck all, a lot are the owners and trust me if you had 100 staffies with responsible owners not ONE would be agressive...okay one maybe and thats due to the owner ...

Not all Staffie owners are responsible though, that's the point. In the wrong hands they can be dangerous bastards.

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