Man killed by his own XL Bully

Staffies are meant to be brilliant family dogs if bred to the correct standard. The issue was in the 2000s when I was a teen every wannabe badman had one bred for being aggressive and tarnished the breed. Then it moved onto the Pitbull and now here we are the with abomination which is the XL.
A friend of mine and her little Yorkshire terrior were attacked by 2 XL Bulldogs in a local park. Another woman was bitten on the head as she lay over her own dog to protect it from attack and required surgery. The owner of the XLs just walked off and left them to it. Police were called and captured the dogs
Their owner was a known crackhead but got nothing more than a slap on the wrists by the judge. You can imagine that was a lot of anger amongst the community at the lack of sentence.
What kind of fuckwit buys one of these anyway..
I lived in a flat below a couple who were both seriously into the weed (and other things) and there was a lot of regular people knocking at the door but never staying long if you get my drift?
She couldn’t hold down a job and he was a labourer. They decided to get one and it was pretty clear they viewed these dogs as the fashion accessory for a bit of ‘dealer security’. It had been kept in a garage prior to them getting it and it was seriously out of control and not house trained. I regularly heard them desperately trying to control it and it would sound like a full on fight going on above me. Being in a flat they had no garden so you can imagine the results - they had to replace all the carpets with lino. I still see them trying to walk it now, it has a massive ‘cage’ over its mouth and they put sunglasses on its head!
Being a dog owner myself I have gotten to meet lots of different types of dogs and anyone one of them can turn. I have come across staffies that are so friendly it's untrue (the blue/grey coloured one's are stunning looking dogs), but I also knew of one kept by druggies that ran out of its house and across a busy road and nearly caused a crash to attack a red setter so badly it cost the owners of the setter over £15k in vet and animal hospital fees. The police tried to secure the staffie but it was so wired that they ended up having to shoot and it took 2 bullets to eventually kill the dog.
Laughable, the stats are that a lab/retriever are prone to attacks...but the stats mean fuck all, a lot are the owners and trust me if you had 100 staffies with responsible owners not ONE would be agressive...okay one maybe and thats due to the owner ...

You're mixing up labradors and retrievers and showing your ignorance. They may be similar but their temperament is distinct. Labs tend to more aloof with strangers where as Goldens are over friendly.

Your reference to statistics about attacks is misplaced. No goldens on this list, plenty of staffies.

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You're mixing up labradors and retrievers and showing your ignorance. They may be similar but their temperament is distinct. Labs tend to more aloof with strangers where as Goldens are over friendly.

Your reference to statistics about attacks is misplaced. No goldens on this list, plenty of staffies.

That really is depressing reading, wonder how many times people said "great with the kids" or "never been aggressive"? very, very sad.
It's not the dog or the breed it's the owner and the environment that the dogs are raised in.

They are the twats that should be jabbed with a pint of morphine.
It's not the dog or the breed it's the owner and the environment that the dogs are raised in.

They are the twats that should be jabbed with a pint of morphine.


All animals are predisposed to behave in a certain way. It’s part of our evolution.

Just like scousers are bred to be work shy murdering thieving fence jibbing cunts, some dog breeds are naturally predisposed to violence.

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