Man killed by his own XL Bully

Seems like these are involved in most deaths. Need to know how many of each breed are owned though to get the percentage of deaths attributed to each
Have you owed a staffie.
Or stroked a staffie
Have you ever owed a dig.
Or do you read the sun every day
To be honest I was just meaning dogs that go onto kill people not specifically Staffies although sadly their seem to be quite a number of staffies on that list,
I have a vested interest in this because a few months ago my little sheepdog Titch was attacked & killed by next doors large & very aggressive dog which bulldozed its way through the fence (sorry no idea of the breed but not a staffy or a xl bully) while she was in her own garden,
Titch didnt have any interest in fighting, she just wanted to play football, chase the frizbee or go for a run, I didnt choose Titch to make me look "hard" or gain some weird type of "respect" I decided to take her on from the rescue centre because she obviously needed help & love of which she got plenty in the 6 years I was lucky enough to care for her,
Sadly the neighbours are Cretins & had absolutly no idea how to look after or control such a big aggressive dog but they were constanly telling me "its wonderful with children" & "its not aggressive at all" even after it had killed Titch?.
I am still trying to work things out in my head hence my interest in this thread,
I dont think its just the owners fault & I dont think its just the dogs fault but sadly when you get people who dont have ultimate control (either mentally or more importantly physically) over their dog you have a disaster waiting to happen more so I think in the cases where you have a large, aggressive & powerful dog involved.
If there was a sad or crying option as a reaction to this I would choose it
I am sorry for your loss.
You should be banned from owning any mutt you cant break from a bite scenario

Had a young chinese bird with flip flops on being sledged towatds me and my 1ft mutt by a cane corso that looked bigger and heavier than her...she was narrating ' its fine, its friendly whilst being towed. It turned out she was a scientist. ( a narct out if her twatt one)
Big dogs are a big responsibility. In terms of the owners and the breeders.

Owners need to treat certain breeds differently. Certain dogs need more mental exercise for example and some need more physical exercise.

But breeders imo have even more responsibility to breed out dangerous traits. And that could mean essentially eliminating the breed.

If the breeders won't then the government needs to step in and neuter/sterilised all dogs in that line.

Dogs will still exist ... just less dangerous ones (should they be owned by idiots).
To be honest I was just meaning dogs that go onto kill people not specifically Staffies although sadly their seem to be quite a number of staffies on that list,
I have a vested interest in this because a few months ago my little sheepdog Titch was attacked & killed by next doors large & very aggressive dog which bulldozed its way through the fence (sorry no idea of the breed but not a staffy or a xl bully) while she was in her own garden,
Titch didnt have any interest in fighting, she just wanted to play football, chase the frizbee or go for a run, I didnt choose Titch to make me look "hard" or gain some weird type of "respect" I decided to take her on from the rescue centre because she obviously needed help & love of which she got plenty in the 6 years I was lucky enough to care for her,
Sadly the neighbours are Cretins & had absolutly no idea how to look after or control such a big aggressive dog but they were constanly telling me "its wonderful with children" & "its not aggressive at all" even after it had killed Titch?.
I am still trying to work things out in my head hence my interest in this thread,
I dont think its just the owners fault & I dont think its just the dogs fault but sadly when you get people who dont have ultimate control (either mentally or more importantly physically) over their dog you have a disaster waiting to happen more so I think in the cases where you have a large, aggressive & powerful dog involved.
Agreed, so sorry for your loss mate, must have been terrible.

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