Manc Accent

LCBblue said:
SouthStand211 said:
The manc accent is NOT the way Ian Brown or Liam Gallagher talks, they just copy more rural towns and pretend to be the "most northern". Unfortunately most scallies and wannabe Liams copy it.

Tha Coppoh is aftor meh. <<< Perfect example.[/quo

dont talk fucking daft lads, my old fella talks like that and he's 60 fucking 6!
i think he's a bit old for coppying how liam gallagher speaks dont you?
manchester/salford has its own accent, but go out of town 10 miles in any direction and you open up a right can of cant speak proper worms!
fucking hell have you heard how them up in stalybridge speak they sound like they're from fucking chorley or somewhere.
wrongun73 said:

Tha Coppoh is aftor meh. <<< Perfect example.[/quo

dont talk fucking daft lads, my old fella talks like that and he's 60 fucking 6!
i think he's a bit old for coppying how liam gallagher speaks dont you?
manchester/salford has its own accent, but go out of town 10 miles in any direction and you open up a right can of cant speak proper worms!
fucking hell have you heard how them up in stalybridge speak they sound like they're from fucking chorley or somewhere.
True enough, my neighbours in Salford have a proper manc accent but my old flatmate from Oldham sounds like he wears flatcaps and drinks bitter after working t'farms.
mcfcliam said:
Didsberry blue said:
I love them apart from when I accidentally watch Shameless when suddenly feel all embarrassed about mine.

Haha yeah, everyone thinks we're right twats.

Everyone KNOWS ;]

I love mine. I was born and raised in Reading just outside London, (My family all come from Manchester and have right thick accents) so mine's got a hint of southerner in it, but it's great now that I live in Sweden, no one understands a word I say when I talk so they get all confuddled about how I pronounce things.

The best bit is when they ask for help with speaking English. There's a tribe of Swedish people who speak sw-english with a northern accent now. Brings a tear to my eye it does ;)

On the other hand, I think it's really annoying when people fake a manc accent and say "Bockle" etc cause they think everyone does, or when they assume I sound like someone from Corrie (Even if that IS true)
MikeF said:
Hamann Pineapple said:
My missus is from Newcastle, one of her pet hates about the 'Manc' accent is when people say 'bockle' instead of bottle. I think that's what she's saying anyway, I can't understand the thick Geordie twat

I happen to agree with your missus, irritates the feck out of me that does

My Manc accent pet hates (I'm a Manc, btw...)

1) "Gerrit" and "gorrit"
2) "I fahhhrt" instead of "I thought". USE YOUR TONGUE.
3) "Mother's Plied"/"bledclumbs"
4) "Int it"

That said, all the above probably result from lazy speech rather than a particular dialect. There's a misconception that having a heavy accent means you don't speak well. I know loads of born 'n' bred Mancs with broad accents who speak beautifully.
I remember when I went to University being surprised at that when I said 'alright' to people, they would reply, "I'm fine thanks, how are you?"

I still think that's strange

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